Home [konkursi] Youth Essay Competition on Turkey

Youth Essay Competition on Turkey


 United Nations Association of Turkey – Youth Section invites you to Essay Competition 2007.

Topic: All topics about international issues which are related with Republic of Turkey and its citizens directly (Internal, international politics, education, environment, etc.)

Who can participate? All people under 26 years of age. (born in 1982 or later)

Format and length: Your essays must be maximum 2500 words (approximately 4 pages). Your essay must be written with 12, “Times New Roman” and 1,5 line space. The language of your essays must be English.

Deadline for submission of your essays is April 8th, 2007, 17.00. Your essay must be sent to unatr.youth@ gmail.com

Detailed information: http://www.una- turk.org/youth_section/essay_competition.htm