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Be the Change!


Peace Child International – Be the Change! Programme
Application deadline: March 31, 2007

Peace Child International has created the ‘Be the Change!’ Programme (BTC!) to support young people to get involved in local community action and development projects. Peace Child encourages young people to BE THE CHANGE they want to see in their communities and to make it possible we created a small scale grant programme for youth-led projects.

If you are below 25 years old and have a project that concentrates on the development of your community at a local level, take a deep look in the requirements for the grant programme and submit your proposal to Peace Child International.

The Be the Change! desk officers will guide and advise you to identify your own local issues, priorities and problems and also help you to provide your own solutions.

So, what kind of projects are we looking for?
– Projects that are genuinely youth-led: it cannot be adults getting young people to front their project so they can get money for it.
– It must benefit the community rather than an individual need: we do not accept applications for school fees or personal trips!
– Projects costing $500 – $1,000 with a detailed budget.
– Have two experienced and committed adults to mentor the project: following the principles of the co-management.
– Have measures of achievement (indicators) by which projects may be evaluated.
– It can be either income-generating (funds to start up a small business and creating jobs) or it can be non-income generating (for health, education, environmental clean-up or community improvement) social programmes which are of genuine and lasting community value.

If you fulfil these requisites make sure to download the application form on our website and send your proposals to the appropriate desk officer at Peace Child International before the deadline. You will receive a confirmation when your proposal has been received.

More information
Website: www.peacechild. org
E-mail: contact@peacechild. org
europe@peacechild. org (for Europe )

Julia Roig
Country Director
ABA/CEELI Belgrade
Baba Visnjina 20
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 11/244 1568, 245 9024
Fax: + 381 11/243 6531
Cell: +381 63/74 26 190
e-mail: jroig@abaceeliyu. org