Home Aktiviranje Hitan poziv za omladinsku razmenu za srednjoškolce u Španiji – Lepotica i...

Hitan poziv za omladinsku razmenu za srednjoškolce u Španiji – Lepotica i zver


Omladinska organizacija Intercambia organizuje omladinsku razmenu Beauty and the Beast na temu rodne ravnopravnosti na kojoj će učestvovati mladi iz Španije, Bugarske, Francuske i Srbije.

Ako te zanima tema RODNE
RAVNOPRAVNOSTI, želiš da učiš kroz radionice, igre i druženje sa jos 23 vršnjaka iz različitih zemalja, prijavi se!

Tražimo 6 mladih osoba između 15 i 17 godina koji žive u Beogradu ili okolini.

Omladinske razmene Erazmus+ programa podrazumevaju učenje u okviru neformalnog obrazovanja i razmenu iskustva sa grupama drugih mladih ljudi sličnih interesovanja iz različitih zemalja.

Troškovi smeštaja, hrane i organizacije razmene su pokriveni 100%, a troškovi puta u visini do 360 evra.

Prednost imaju mladi koji su motivisani i spremni da uče o temi, različitim kulturama, strane jezike itd. Kao i da budu aktivni na projektu!

Vega omladinski centar se obavezuje da pruži punu podršku učesnicima pre, tokom i nakon projekta, kao i da ih pripremi za isti. Mladi će imati punoletnu omladinsku lideru koja već godinama radi sa decom i mladima.

PRIJAVA se vrši popunjavanjem upitnika do 16. juna: link za upitnik. Pripremni sastanak će se održati između 17. i 21. juna.

Roditelji i zainteresovana omladina su slobodni da nas kontaktiraju putem telefona ili mejla za više informacija.

Ako želiš da saznaš više o ovom i drugim Erazmus+ projektima, piši nam na vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com.

Radujemo se druženju s tobom!


GOALS OF THE PROJECT:–       to realize that gender

  • discrimination is a huge problem and think about solutions for a better
  • – to encourage young participants
    to promote gender equality in their own societies/families/work places/etc.
  • – to enhance knowledge about
    gender equality and women’s rights;
  • – to raise awareness on gender
    based violence,
  • – to create awareness about the
    consequences of machismo, both for men and women;
  • – to develop campaign aimed to
    prevent gender based violence;
  • – to stimulate young people to
    speak up for gender equality and for violence ending


  1. As a participant of the project, I am
    aware that I will have to carry out all the duties assigned to me. I will
    do my best that the project will turn out an unforgettable experience for
    all participants. I understand that I have to respect the other participants
    and have to be tolerant towards their cultures. I understand that I have
    to respect the other participants. I understand that the youth exchange
    has to be held in the spirit of tolerance and cooperation and that
    prejudices are not wanted.
  2. I agree that I will take part at the
    preparations and the evaluation of the project, which will be carried out
  3. I agree that we prepare a presentation
    event of the impressions and the »results« of the youth exchange after
    coming back from the youth exchange.
  4. I agree to cooperate with the other
    participants as a group.
  5. I
    understand that AJ INTERCAMBIA wishes that all the participants of the
    youth exchange get as much experience of working in a group as possible.


  1. I am responsible for my actions during
    the youth exchange. I will respect the venue at which the youth exchange
    is taking place and I will not destroy anything. I will pay for the damage
    in case I should destroy anything.
  2. I agree that use of alcohol and other
    drugs is forbidden during the exchange. I am fully aware of and accept the
    rules of the exchange concerning alcohol and drugs during the youth
    exchange, and I am aware that if I broke this rule I will be send out of
    the project and will not get travel costs.
  3. I will respect the other participants and
    their personal things.
  4. I commit myself that I will, in case of
    an unjustified cancelation or a cancelation not made in time, cover all
    travel expenses (the ticket) myself.
  5. I am aware that by signing this agreement
    I am binding myself that I will accomplish all the tasks assigned to me
    and respect all the rules that this contract mentions.
  6. I agree to follow the instructions of the
    group leader.
  7. After Youth Exchange I will send a Group
    Report with Photos to be publish on the website
  8. I am taking part of this youth exchange
    at my own risk with the signed consent of my parents/guardians (younger
    than 18)
  9. If
    am over 18 I will follow and accept rules as under 18 years old.


  1. AJ INTERCAMBIA as the organization with
    which I will take part at this youth exchange, will take care of the
    transportation of the participants to the venue of the youth exchange and
    back, under travel cost budget.
  2. Hosting Organization will take care of
    the food and accommodation during the exchange.
  3. In order to be able to ensure the success
    of the project AJ INTERCAMBIA will organize a preparatory workshop before
    the actual exchange and an evaluation after the exchange.
  4. AJ INTERCAMBIA will make sure that the
    working environment will be safe but the participants have to respect all
    security rules
  5. Before the youth exchange AJ INTERCAMBIA
    will provide all the information necessary, about special needs.
  6. I have the right that the group leader
    who is over 18 years old to help me.
  7. I can expect from the group leader that
    she/he will listen to my eventual problems and will help me solve them.
  8. I can expect that the group leader will
    encourage good relations and communication among participants.
  9. Just
    like all the other participants I have the right to express myself freely.
    I have the right to evaluate the youth exchange independently. Everybody
    has the right to express themselves freely and to take part at the making
    of decisions during the exchange.

Each participant/partner is
responsible for getting HEALTH INSURANCE to take part on this activity.