Home [treninzi] Training Course – ”Heart puzzle”

Training Course – ”Heart puzzle”


Training Course about fighting discrimination and social exclusion of the LGBT population through creative poetry writing

Who we are:

Legebitra is a youth LGBT NGO form Slovenia. Our aim is to advocate for and promote autonomy of LGBT young people; develop and enable projects and activities based on non-formal learning and training in order to increase self-esteem and competences of LGBT young people. Through our programs and projects we develop safe spaces for LGBT young people. Our programs and projects are based on youth work and youth policies. We are committed to the values of inclusion, non-discrimination, solidarity, inter-generational  and inter-cultural cooperation.

More info: www.drustvo-legebitra.si


Nebojsa Nick Djeric – experienced Salto trainer (http://trainers.salto-youth.net/NebojsaDjeric/)

Second trainer will be selected after we publish call for trainers.

About the Project

The main theme of the Training Course “Heart puzzle“ is the use of creative art non-violent methods (poetry) in combating discrimination and social exclusion of LGBT people, and promoting solidarity and equality of all people, regardless of their national, cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual, gender or other differences.

The main goal of our training course is to offer the participants an opportunity to get actively involved in fighting discrimination and social exclusion of LGBT people, through creative methods and activities involving poetry, making puzzle in shape of heart which have poems written on them, that participants will made. During the course, using non-formal ways of learning, participants will create a product – by writing poems or choosing their favorite poem which they will write on a puzzle (on their native languages) every participant will have one part of puzzle and in the end we will collect all pieces, read them loudly and make them in shape of a heart, with colors of rainbow (colours of LGBT community). We want to encourage, to motivate participants to express themselves, their opinions on LGBT issue in poetry way. Through this, we want to send out the message of love, tolerance, peace and solidarity among different nations and cultures. Whole happening will be video recorded.

The product – Heart Puzzle and the video– will be distributed after the training course in all participating countries, therefore spreading out that important message of tolerance and peace.

Activities on our training course:

· writing poems and choosing participants favorite poems on topic of Love, Tolerance, Peace and Solidarity

· sessions about reading poems

· group making puzzle

· recording/making video about all training course

· workshops and discussions every day on topics related to the fight against discrimination and exclusion

· presentation of Youth in Action Program and informing participants about new possibilities

· presentation of non-formal education and informal way of learning as a method for fighting against discrimination of LGBT youth

All these activities have the aim to promote solidarity, cooperation, and creativity in youth work and in fighting discrimination, violence and social exclusion.

Target group for our training course:

Target group in our TC are youth workers, youth leaders, NGO activists and all people who would like to fight against discrimination and homophobia of LGBT youth.

We would like to have participants who are interested in poetry, and in exploring how to use that as a method in their youth work and social activism.

The main objectives of the project:

-To promote anti-discrimination on every level, particularly on the basis of sexual orientation

-To promote tolerance, equality and solidarity among different cultures, nationalities, ethnic backgrounds

-To promote young people’s active participation in society, and especially to empower LGBT youth to take an active role in their communities in fighting homophobia and discrimination

-To increase knowledge of poetry as a tool in fighting discrimination, homophobia, hate speech and violence

-To promote non formal education and non-violence as the only acceptable method for fighting against discrimination

Working language:
English – all participants must be able to actively communicate using English language.

Period of realization: 23rd – 30th of September 2013


Ljubljana, Slovenia


100% for accommodation will be covered and 70% of travel cost (Apex tickets) will be reimbursed after receiving original receipts.

Note for partners:

If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please contact project manager on e mail: eva.gracanin1@gmail.com

Project manager – Eva Gracanin

E-mail: eva.gracanin1@gmail.com

Mobile: 00386 41 693 220

Website: www.drustvo-legebitra.si