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Conference “Human Rights and Democracy in Action” Call for youth participants & Survey on the Charter


The conference “Human rights and democracy in action – Looking ahead” will take place in Strasbourg, 29-30 November 2012.
Two years after the adoption of the Charter on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education, the Council of Europe initiates a review process on its implementation and influence, a collaboration of its Youth and Education Departments together with the European Commission and the European Wergeland Centre.

The review includes a survey on the implementation of the Charter and a Conference that will look at the progress achieved and give guidance for shaping the work of the Council of Europe in human rights and citizenship education in the next years.

The conference will be preceeded by two events: an informal meeting organised for the Youth Department participants and the first edition of the Janusz Korczak seminar on ‘Democracy and education’, both taking place in the European Youth Centre Strasbourg on 28th November.

The call and the application form are available in English and French

Survey on the impact of the Charter on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education

Two years ago, the Council of Europe adopted the Charter on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education. The Charter aims to be a real support for both governments and non-governmental partners in making access to EDC/HRE a reality for us all.

The Council of Europe evaluated the impact of the Charter among its member states (measures taken to implement the Charter, main achievements and challenges).

Equally, the Youth Department launches a survey among non-governmental partners (youth organisations, human rights organisations, student associations, parents and teachers associations) to gather their input on the impact of the Charter and to have a basis to evaluate the ways to go further.

We are inviting all those interested and involved in human rights and citizenship education to complete this survey by 15 September 2012 and support us in making a thorough analysis of the state of play.

The survey is available in English and French