Home [konkursi] Call for applications for participation on Apertura dei NewPrijepolje2020

Call for applications for participation on Apertura dei NewPrijepolje2020


sample_2Deadline: 11 August 2011
Open to: everybody who is ready to invest time to build one small community in Serbia , encouraging young leaders of organizations across world
Venue: 12th of August 2011 , Online interaction with Platou of Home of Revolution

Youth office of municipality Prijepolje, Serbia, with cooperation with JUMP organisation is organizing the First International Online Conf(er)(LU)ence of ideas on building community with selected 20 leaders from Prijepolje, which will be held at center square in Prijepolje with live coverage and open Skype cals of young leaders, with young leaders with the best community changing ideas from whole municipality upon ending project with partnership of Ministry youth and sport .


During summer period we was searching for young people with words “We won’t to decide about you instead of you. Let’s see how we can come to Europe. There are strategic documents,there is money , there is spaces , which is not using,but about that, you decide,nobody else. Or you would like to ?” . They gave us solutions, statements and needs based on which we will build new platform for youth development and conditions, lowering permanent migration .

Municipality of Prijepolje is community is teritory on the border of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, mixed cultures ,influences and energy. By that, we see our community as a land full of human potential capable of building new Prijepolje, ready for 2020. Aheading to International youth year , among other activities we implement project, which aim is to collect best 350 solutions for new ideas. We got half of them,and now we need your help to make new confluence of opportunities with dreams, your idea with our energy .

Apertura dei NewPrijepolje2020, is part of project of Youth office of municipality Prijepolje which gathers solutions and innovative approaches in creating new community. During project with support of Ministry of youth and sport we encouraged young people to create own community with their own opinions ( while we visit every corner of our community by foot,bicycles or car during project ) and ideas.Best of them are selected for further development in 2012 , but we need confluence (as our community is on the confluence of natural winds and cultures between Montengero and Bosnia and Herzegovina) of energy,ideas and change.

You will have opportunity to hear needs of 20 young people from this community and bridge ideas with dreams together with them about new ideas of implementing ways. Invest your time, and be founder of new community. As a founder, you will be our special guest in using touristic potential of our community.

Here are few details we need from you and we will contact you to acknowledge your timing .


APPLY HEAR for participation
