Home [konkursi] New Europe Master in Banking and Entrepreneurship

New Europe Master in Banking and Entrepreneurship


tubular_bells.jpgThe “New Europe Master in Banking and Entrepreneurship” is a Master Program sponsored and organized – since 2003 and for the fourth year running – by UniCredit S.p.A and the Fondazione Cassamarca.

The Aim of the Master’s Degree Program

New Europe Master (MasterBE) is a post-graduate program aimed at providing the technical and practical understanding of the European banking system and of the multifaceted relationships between banks and business communities. The objective of MasterBE is to support the creation of highly professional experts with excellent command of the know-how essential to bank and business management.

Admission Requirements

– Citizenship of one of the following countries: Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine
– University degree
– Knowledge of English certified by a TOEFL or similar certificate. Some knowledge of Italian is also desirable as the Master will include seminars in Italian. Italian language training and coaching will be offered at the beginning of the Master
– Under thirty-two (32) years of age
– Letter of reference (e.g. University professor, manager of a company).
– Preferably one to two (1-2) years of professional working experience.

Duration of Program and Attendance Requirements

The Master’s program consists of one (1) academic year of work. Classes will start on October 1 st 2007 and will take place during the academic year 2007-2008. Attendance is compulsory: this means participating in at least 1200 hours of classes, workshops and seminars followed by a twelve-week (3 months) internship (practical experience period) in banks or companies involved in the scheme. In order to attend classes, students will need to be formally admitted to the Master’s Program and will need to show proof of their continued advancement in the Program in the form of intermediate examinations, tests or group work based on the content of the classes.

Students will be issued with a finalised, detailed teaching calendar at the beginning of the course and an overview of assessment procedures and relative weightings.

Admission to the Master’s Program

A maximum of 30 and a minimum of 25 students is set for the Master’s Program. Admission to the Master’s program will follow a selection process based on the documentation presented by candidates and possible interviews in order to get to know the candidates further and establish their competence in English. Should the applications outnumber the number of places available, a short list of candidates will be drawn up according to the following criteria:

1. Work experience relevant to the material covered in the Master’s program
2. Level of excellence in academic grades
3. Competence in English
4. Cultural, scientific, academic or professional certificates

Application and Deadline

The application form for the Master’s program and all the necessary information are available on the website www.masterbe.com. The application form must be filled out in full in English and must specify the applicant’s university degree and grades obtained.
Applications should be sent by courier and/or anticipated by e-mail or fax by July 15th, 2007 to:

Università Umanesimo Latino S.p.A.
Piazza S. Leonardo, 1
Tel: +39/0422/513500
Fax: +39/0422/513510
E-mail: umanesimo.conegliano@fondazionecassamarca.it