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Come to SEE Youthpass!


mladi20Activity organised bySALTO National Agency
The overall aim of the training course is to improve the quality of Youth in Action Projects involving organisations from South East Europe, by raising the participants’ awareness on the principles of non-formal learning and its validation, and training them to implement Youthpass in their future projects (EVS, Youth Exchanges and Training Courses). The objectives of the training course are:

-To create possibilities for sharing experience among youth leaders from different countries in SEE and develop expertise in non-formal education;
-To explore the concept and exchange practice of non-formal learning in youth work, especially in the context of South East Europe;
-To raise awareness on the potential and educational value of youth work in the frame of eight key competences for life-long learning;
-To promote and deepen the understanding and knowledge of Youthpass as a tool for recognition and validation of non-formal learning in youth work;
-To raise awareness of the wider recognition context of non-formal education and learning through reflection on recent developments in youth and education policies in the region;
-To provide the participants with a possibility to experience Youthpass by integrating self-assessment of competences and issuing of the certificates in the programme of the training course;
-To train the participants on the technical use of Youthpass and facilitation of self-assessment of competences, with the aim of enabling them to issue Youthpasses for participants in their future projects under the Youth in Action Programme (EVS, Youth Exchanges and Training Courses);

Participants’ profile:

-The training course is targeting practitioners (youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, EVS mentors) from South East Europe with prior experience in the field of youth and non-formal education, specifically within the Youth in Action Programme;
-The participants should have some experience on Youth in Action Programme´s Actions open for the Neighbouring Partner Countries (Action 2 and / or 3.1) and have interest in realising further projects with a special focus on the learning dimension and its recognition;
-The participants should have interest in exploring the concept of non-formal learning, its validation and applicability in youth work;
-Prior experience in implementing Youthpass is not required, however, the participants should be interested in integrating the Youthpass instrument and the Youthpass process in their future projects under the Youth in Action Programme;

Summary Training Course for Youthpass for organisations in South East Europe.
Activity date 2010-04-18 – 2010-04-23
Activity type Training course
Target group Project managers, Youth leaders, Youth workers
For participants from SOUTH-EAST EUROPE
Group size 30
Venue place, venue country Serbia

Application to
Apply online Come to SEE Youthpass!
SALTO SEE RC, SALTO T&C RC, National Agencies: France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia
Maija Lehto
SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre Dunajska 22, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: + 386 1 430 47 47
Fax: + 386 1 430 47 49
E-mail: maija.lehto@mva.si