Home [konkursi] Oglas za radnu praksu- USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project

Oglas za radnu praksu- USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project


book9USAID Projekat za razvoj konkurentnosti /Booz Allen Hamilton/ u saradnji sa Centrom za razvoj karijere i savetovanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu poziva studente završnih godina, apsolvente i diplomce ekonomskog usmerenja koji poseduju odlično znanje pisanog i govornog engleskog jezika da se prijave za praksu.

Ukoliko ste već ranije aplicirali za praksu u USAIDu, preko Centra za razvoj karijere, molimo Vas da navedete u prijavi.


Internship program – PSD1 Research & Program Support




The PSD Intern will support the Project PSD Director and team in research and program support tasks required for the implementation of activities within the project’s core component. This will include researching industry specific issues, and supporting Industry advisors in activity planning and implementation.





The Statement of Work for the respective candidates is listed below:

1. Trade show research for the PSD’s team respective Fairs to be attended.

2. Conduct research on respective domestic or foreign markets relevant to the Project.

3. Contact companies and obtain follow-up information on their sales and export activities

4. Translate and interpret (English-Serbian), as needed for the Sector Advisor

5. Organization of sector materials (magazines, brochures, etc)

6. Provide administrative assistance with activity planning, documentation, and research, including scheduling meetings and providing interpretation, organizing logistics for events, and contacting companies via phone and email.

7. Other administrative tasks, as assigned.

8. Administer, in close cooperation with grants specialist and sector lead, procedures

relevant to FSC COC subsidy program.

9. Assist sector lead in communications with potential buyers and Serbian furniture and

furniture parts manufacturers regarding German Furniture Buyers Group B2B Program.

10. Prepare logistics, arrange meetings, together with sector lead for all B2B (trade,

investors) missions to Serbia with focus on German Furniture Buyers B2B Program and

Albanian Building Materials trade linkages activity.

11. Assist sector lead in ACES capacity building.

12. Take over responsibility, together with ACES executive director of Green Building

Accreditation program voucher system and communication with training candidates,

training provider and other relevant stakeholders.

13. Participate in GBPS development and initial population of the database. Maintain

communications with software developers, manufacturers interested in submitting their

products for listing in the GBPS and research products eligible for inclusion into database.




1. Updated Project library of documents, etc. found within the web-site and server.

2. Updated database on status of all commercial linkages

3. Updated project documentation in the relevant Activity Folders,

4. Updated data entered into the BC/PRS database.

5. Support the Industry Advisor in completing Activity plans and draft SOWs for the

respective sector.

6. Other research tasks as further specified or required.

7. Regular reports on the status of FSC CoC subsidy program, and as needed, intro on

companies and products needed for grants meetings.

8. Reports, as needed, on the status of Green Building Accreditation Program Scholarship Program.

9. List of companies with proposed products for GBPS listing.




  • Unquestionable honesty and integrity in all matters

  • A positive, friendly, professional, can-do attitude and appearance in serving as a

  • representative of the project

  • A forward-thinking and pro-active approach to working; always looking to stay ahead of the game; ability to work with minimal supervision

  • Maturity in all interactions with colleagues within the office, as well as contacts outside the office

  • Strong English language skills, including written and oral communications

  • Preferably a student of economy and/or management.

  • Familiarity (at least broadly) with global and local trends in economy, market players and competitive environment in Serbia


Level of Effort

Intern – PSD Research & Program Support: – 3 to 6 months

Timing: The intern should start no later than March 15th , 2010.


Interested candidates should send their applications (cover letter and CV in word or PDF file) to Belgrade University Center for Career Development e-mail: saradnja@razvojkarijere.bg.ac.rs


Deadline for applications: March 3, 2010.