Home [treninzi] Training course “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers”

Training course “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers”


 Activity organised by    NGO/Others
Summary    The training project is focusing on creating the base of facilitation skills needed for youth leaders in youth exchanges, with the special consideration of different learning processes taking place in a youth exchange.
Activity date    2009-11-06 – 2009-11-15

Activity type Training course
Target group Youth leaders, Youth workers
Group size 24
Venue place, venue country Kovacica, Serbia
Details “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers” is a training project, with the main aim: To improve learning outcomes of youth exchange projects in the frame of Youth in ActionProgramme, by increasing facilitation skills of 24 youth workers from 10 different countries, with the special emphasis of developing new methods and approaches.

The training project is focusing on creating the base of facilitation skills needed for youth leaders in youth exchanges, with the special consideration of different learning processes taking place in a youth exchange, from preparation of individual groups, through facilitation of the course of a youth exchange, all the way to wrapping up overall learning experience and setting foundations for further personal development of young people. The special emphasis is being put on the continuous facilitation approach to intercultural learning, active involvement of youngsters at every step of the way and developing creative and original methods throughout.

The training project has three integrated learning phases:
1. Preparation for the course through distance e-learning;
2. 9 day long Residential training course taking place in Kovacica, Serbia;
3. Follow-up to the course through distance e-learning.

Methodology used in all its phases is based on active participation and experiential non-formal education methods, framed by the core intercultural learning process.

“Facilitation Beyond Frontiers” is scheduled to take place in autumn of 2009, with 24 young people coming from 10 different countries – Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal and Serbia.

The target group of the TC are youth workers and youth leaders that:
– are dedicated to working with young people in their everyday reality;
– already have some previous experience being leaders in youth exchanges, but haven’t gone through any of the official trainings on that topic so far;
– are interested in developing their facilitation skills in a training course that will use non-formal education methodologies;
– have a desire to apply their facilitation skills in future youth exchange projects, as well as other projects under the umbrella of the Youth in Action Programme;
– are supported by their respective organisations in applying their facilitation skills in the future projects.
– are ready and able to attend for the full duration of the course which includes distance learning period BEFORE and AFTER the training!!! The on line Platform will start on 1st of October, ending month after the training.
– are able to express themselves in English.

Costs According to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, BalkanIDEA is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.
Working language English
Organizer BalkanIDEA Novi Sad
Organizer's profile/framework of activity BalkanIDEA Novi Sad is a youth non-governmental organization founded in 2000 in Novi Sad with the help of the European Youth Foundation. BalkanIDEA Novi Sad is dealing with capacity building and active participation of young people in the society, and its work is founded on the principles of equality, non-formal education, voluntarism and intercultural learning with the focus on individuals and organizations in Balkan and in Europe. In its work, BalkanIDEA Novi Sad is using different methods; educational activities (seminars, training courses, workshops, study tours, etc.), researches, campaigns, etc., while the activities of the organization can be divided into few categories: • Educational activities with young people or youth organizations on local, national and international level with the focus of building capacities of young people and youth organizations, promotion of European values and intercultural learning and networking of young people and youth NGOs. • Youth Exchanges of groups of young people from all over Europe with the focus of fostering intercultural learning among youth. • International volunteers exchanges of young volunteers from Serbia and the whole Europe through EVS programme of the European Commission. • Activities in the frame of Erasmus Student Network, as section of the Network in charge of University in Novi Sad with the focus on informing and supporting the students that are participating in long-term academic exchanges in the frame of Erasmus programme of the European Commission. • Activities for promotion of human rights and democratic values, mostly projects realized in cooperation with the Council of Europe within Democratic Leadership Programme and European youth campaign „All Different All Equal“, and participation in different initiatives for promotion of democratic values among young people. • Youth policy – active participation in the implementation of the Action plan for Youth Policy in Vojvodina with the support of Provincial Secretariat for Sport and Youth.
Deadline 2009-09-23
Date of selection 2009-09-27
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Application form (89.5 kB)
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BalkanIDEA Novi Sad
BalkanIDEA Novi Sad
Stevana Milovanova 6a, 21000 Novi Sad
Phone: +381 62 11 08 342
E-mail: office@facilitating.in //