Home [konkursi] Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 have opened the call for project applications aiming...

Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 have opened the call for project applications aiming to counter hate speech and improve representation of diversity


The call is opened as part of the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 project and is established with the objective to effectively influence media representation of ethnicity, religion and gender in the Western Balkans. RDN 2.0 aims to activate the role of civil society in countering the narratives of divide and replacing them with much needed positive discourse contributing to the value of good neighbouring relations and respect for social diversity;

The overall objective of the call for proposals is to increase effectiveness of CSOs in interacting with media in order to reduce perpetuation of stereotypes and negative images of the others.


The specific objectives of the call for proposals are:

– to strengthen position of local CSOs in safeguarding their beneficiaries’ rights in media;

– to provide opportunities for local CSOs to influence public perceptions;

– to increase the number and quality of messages conveyed to audience;

– to improve visibility and media presence of women and minority rights’ issues;

– to raise awareness and contribute to positive perceptions of the others and tolerance and inclusion in the region


Types of actions that are eligible for funding (list is open and might include other project ativities as long as they contribute to the above-mentioned objectives):

a) Advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns;

b) Production of media content;

c) Creation of campaigns countering hateful narratives in the public sphere;

d) Creation of specific web-portals enabling citizens’ inputs, access to information and public debate;

e) Consultations, roundtables and meetings with local stakeholders;

f) Facilitating policy dialogue with stakeholders (e.g. political parties, local officials, expert community, media).


Project timeframe is maximum six month.


Overall budget for the programme per country is 27500 EUR. As envisaged by the Programme, we will support 5 projects in each country, while individual grants will range from 3000 EUR to 8000 EUR.


CSOs responding to this call must meet the following criteria:

• that they are registered in their respective countries and that they have settled all legal obligations;

• have experience in the field of representation of diversity and/or hate speech;

• be directly responsible for project preparation and management;

• that their bank account is not blocked;

• that the organizations are not beneficiaries of the funds of the European Commission  Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019, budget lines: BGUE-B2018-22.020401 and BGUE-B2019-22.020401

Organizations can submit only one project proposal under this Program as an applicant or as a partner

We welcome applications from diverse type of civil society organisations: grassroot organisations, memebrs of the larger-scale networks acting nationaly or regionaly, media established as CSOs.

Partnership with local media will be considered as an advantage and will ensure additional points.

A one-day training regarding the rules and procedures for the implementation of EU grants will be organized for selected grant recipients. The training will cover topics such as: project management, visibility rules, financial reporting, etc.

In addition, selected CSOs will be provided with mentoring support to assist them in conducting creative media campaigns to raise public awareness as well as in managing project activities.

We invite all interested organisations to fill in the application forms (attached).

Deadline to submit the application is February 21, by 17:00.


Please see the call for applications in Albania on the link.

Please see the call for applcations in Bosnia and Hezegovina on the link.

Please see the call for applications in Kosovo on the link.

Please see the call for applications in Montenegro on the link.

Please see the call for applications in North Macedonia on the link.

Please see the call for applications in Serbia by downloading call for applications, application form and budget form.