Home [treninzi] Y-Peer Advanced Training of Trainers in PeerEducation

Y-Peer Advanced Training of Trainers in PeerEducation


articles.jpgY-PEER — Youth Peer Education Network osnovala je Interagencijska grupa (IAG) Ujedinjenih Nacija i to UNICEF — Deciji fond Ujedinjenih Nacija, UNFPA — Populacioni fond Ujedinjenih Nacija i WHO — Svetska zdravstvena organizacija. Y-PEER Mreza okuplja na hiljade mladih ljudi u 39 zemalja koji se bave edukacijom svojih vrsnjaka. Nacionalna mreza u Srbiji je

jedna od mreza koje su dozivele najveci rast i trenutno okuplja 32 nevladine organizacije, a takode uziva podrsku drzavnih

institucija i drugih medjunarodnih agencija.

Drage i dragi,

Cast mi je da vas obavestim da Y-PEER mreza organizuje "Eight Y-PEER Advanced Training of Trainers in Peer Education" koji ce se odrzati u Kairu, Egipat u periodu od 30. Oktobra do 7. Novembra. Ovo je fantasticna prilika da unapredite svoje trenerske vestine, naucite nove metode neformelnog obrazovanja i steknete prijatelje iz Y-PEER mreze sirom sveta. Sve sto je potrebno da uradite sada jeste da posaljete svoj CV i motivaciono pismo (na Engleskom) i ako ste spremni da se ozbiljnije posvetite Y-PEER mrezi onda ste na pravom putu da budete izabrani. Moram samo da napomenem da se ovi treninzi odrzavaju jednom, ili maksimum dva puta godisnje, tako da je velika steta ne prijaviti se i propustiti ovu priliku. Vase podatke posaljite na youthpeer@gmail.com najkasnije do 5. Septembra.

Sve troskove snosi UNFPA HQ tako da su vam potrebni dobra volja i zelja za usavrsavanjem:) Ime osobe koja ce nas predstavljati Y-PEER Srbiju bice poznato 10. Septembra.

Uslovi koje treba da ispunjavate se nalaze ispod a kako je Engleski jezik zvanicni jezik treninga nisam ih prevodio.

All participants will be valued for their personal contributions to the interactive training. Nominees are expected to contribute to the training group and Y-PEER in their country, as well as regionally and globally, so applicants applying to the training program are required to satisfy the following criteria:

1. sound knowledge of English language (ability to clearly understand and communicate with the group in English);
2. No older than 27 years.
3. Nominee will have demonstrated a personal commitment to peer education as demonstrated by volunteer work, humanitarian efforts or going above and beyond expected job/role performance.
4. Have extensive experience in a peer education setting. Nominees who have served in many roles with varied and extensive experiences are favored; those with experience in training peer educators are preferred. Nominees must possess proven knowledge of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, drug use, sexual behavior, and methods of harm reduction, infection prevention and health promotion.
5. Be open to learning, growing and receiving constructive criticism, which is evaluated based on an applicant's statement of intention for the training.
6. Must have an ability to engage a group in an educational process, appreciate an interactive model of peer education, create a comfortable environment, convey accurate information, mediate conflict, and understand group dynamics.
7. Be able to appreciate the variations of human experience and personal identities, including: age, income, race, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and geographic home region. Emotional maturity, self-awareness of comfort/discomfort with various vulnerable groups and behaviors (e.g. injection drug use, sexual behaviors, commercial sex work, etc.) is required.
8. The nominee must be in position to transfer further knowledge to other trainers in country and region
9. Last but not the least, the nominee must be in position to stay engaged in in-country peer education efforts as a focal point for Y-PEER and work closely with country office in implementation of youth related activities.


Milos Stojiljkovic

Zamenik Nacionalnog Koordinatora

Y-PEER Srbija