Home [konkursi] Slobodna zona trazi volontere

Slobodna zona trazi volontere


ikona_edukacija.gifFilmski festival SLOBODNA ZONA je otvoren za prijavu volontera za ovogodisnji festival. Festival ce trajati od 9. do 14. novembra, obaveze volontera ce biti povremene od 1. do 10. novembra i od 10/12h do 23/01h u vreme trajanja Festivala volonteri ce, na osnovu svojih znanja i afiniteta, biti rasporedjeni na neke od sledecih poslova:

– domacini stranim gostima (autorima i producentima filmova koje prikazujemo)*

– komunikacija sa publikom festivala

– pomoc u organizaciono-tehnickim poslovima

* ukoliko zelis da budes domacin nekom od gostujucih autora neophodno je da

– govoris engleski

– poznajes Beograd

– pozeljno je (mada ne neophodno) znanje francuskog i/ili spanskog i/ili nemackog

vise informacija o SLOBODNOJ ZONI mozes naci na www.freezonebelgrade.org


-pismo motivacije

-sa obaveznim kontaktima (broj mob. tel, e-mail)

posalji na


subject: volontiranje na SZ

do 12h 10. oktobra 2007.

volontiranjem na SLOBODNOJ ZONI kvalifikujes se da budes volonter/ka kog/koju ce Kulturni centar REX predloziti za razmenu u okviru Evropskog volonterskog servisa (http://ec.europa.eu/youth/program/sos/vh_evs_en.html) u jednom od Kulturnih centara clanova mreze nezavisnih kulturnih centara Evrope (www.teh.net) *

*The Lift a resource platform for youth mobility in Trans Europe Halles

If you are aged 18-25 and would like to get a once-in-a-life-time experience to develop your skills, travel for free, meet new friends and work in an exciting cultural environment abroad for 6-12 months this is definitely something for you!

Trans Europe Halles and the benefits of being a volunteer in a TEH centre

Trans Europe Halles TEH (www.teh.net) is a network of independent cultural centres with nearly forty members all across Europe. The project The Lift offers a unique opportunity for young people to go abroad and work as volunteers in another cultural centre through European Voluntary Service (EVS). All costs involved in EVS are covered by the European Union Programme YOUTH, that promotes the mobility of young people. By applying in your nearest TEH centre you can be sent to do voluntary service in another TEH cultural centre in many exciting places around Europe. During your stay as a volunteer you will be put in contact with young people who are volunteers in other TEH centres at the same time and be given the opportunity to develop cultural and artistic projects together with them.

So far the following Trans Europe Halles member centres are actively working with EVS:

A38, Budapest, Hungary (www.a38.hu); Buenaventura, Castelfranco Veneto, Italy (www.buenaventura.it); Cló Ceardlann na gCnoc, Ireland (www.cloceardlann.com); Mains d Oeuvres, Paris, France (www.mainsdoeuvres.org); Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden (www.kulturmejeriet.se); Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (www.melkweg.nl); Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia (www.metelkova.org); P60, Amstelveen, The Netherlands (www.p60.nl); Pekarna Magdalenske mreze, Maribor, Slovenia (www.pekarna.org); Stanica, Zilina, Slovakia (www.stanica.sk); The Junction, Cambridge, U.K. (www.junction.co.uk) and there are yet more cultural centres to come!

za sve dodatne informacije pozovi REX na 3284 534


REX-Kulturni centar B92, Jevrejska 16, Beograd

tel/fax: 3284 534, 3284 299

