Home [konkursi] Bauhaus Residence – Open Call 2017 – living and working in the...

Bauhaus Residence – Open Call 2017 – living and working in the Masters’ Houses in Dessau


Since February 2016 and for the first time since 90 years the foundation Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau is enabling young international artists to once again live and work in the Muche/ Schlemmer duplex house. The programme is catering to international artists with an overall interest in all those areas that are historically being represented by Bauhaus and that have developed from it until today: Painting, product design, textile design, music, performing arts, architecture, photography. With the Bauhaus Residence the foundation Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau revitalise the Meisterhaus Ensemble and in this context promote artistic and creative work of international significance which will then at the end of the residency period be displayed in the Gropius House until the Bauhaus anniversary in 2019.


Apply now! Closing date for applications 5 September 2016.

Further information.