Home [konkursi] Call for authors for the youthweek.eu

Call for authors for the youthweek.eu


Do you want to write for a European website? Do you also want to develop the website, set topics and travel to European events to report about it?

The European Commission and the European Youth Press are going to provide a website to the European youthweek, taking place in Brussels in June.

The idea of the website is to inform young people and young policy makers with a journalistic approach about the structured dialogue and the various youth events which are linked to it and take place on the European, national, regional and local level. There is space to report about matters you and other young Europeans are interested in.

We are going to have a core group of editors, writing most content and also developing the website, with one or two editors from each EU-country. 30 Euros will be paid per article.

Apply now for being a member of the core group. Send a curriculum, a text sample and a short letter of motivation to a.boehringer@youthpress.org. Feel free to write also, if you are interested in being a free-lancer.

More information
E-mail: a.boehringer@youthpress.org
Website: www.youthpress.org, www.orangelog.eu