Home [ volontiranje ] Nobody`s dog

Nobody`s dog


 Name:  “Nobody`s dog
Date: 31.07.2008. – 11.08.2008.
Number of volunteers: 10 foreign + 5 domestic

Nobody`s dog

Becej is typical, multinational town in Vojvodina, more than 900 years old, situated on right bank of river Tisa, 53km north from Novi Sad. There are a numerous cultural –historical monuments, more than 12 different nationalities and it is an example of tolerant town in the heart of Vojvodina.

Becej is a town with a big number of abandon dogs, so local comunity started to deal with that problem. There are only two employed guys who have all the obligations, so the main idea of the camp is helping them and the dogs. There are about 120 dogs in the dog shelter.

W: General work will be taking care of dogs, building and painting houses, cleaning, cutting grass, arranging the garden in the shelter and making dog collars.

S: Various workshops, pools and the Tisa river visits, excursions to «Fantast» castle, and the nearby town Novi Becej. Volunteers will visit orthodox and chatolic churches, cultural centre and town hall. Also, volunteers will have a tour on the river Tisa by boats and we will go to visit the dog shelter in village Djurdjevo.

T: Becej

A: Workcamp will be situated in the centre in one of the biggest parks in Becej, under the tents. Sleeping bags and sleeping mats are necessary. Showers and toilates are nearby. Youth club is near too.

F: Food will be prepared by voluteers and it will be mainly vegetarian.

L: English.

X: Please bring informations about dogs, games and/or food from your country. Also, you’ll need swimming suits and sun protection. Sence of humor is more than welcome!

*It’s very important that volunteers are not afraid of dogs!

Vojislav Prkosovački
Saradnik za mlade Opštine Becej
021/6911-720 lok.138