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EVS u Poljskoj – Volonterski centar Vojvodine


Partnerska organizacija iz Poljske je u potrazi za osobom koja bi provela kod njih godina dana, zajedno sa volonterima iz još pet država.

Ukoliko imate između 18 i 30 godina i želite da iskusite ovako nešto, u nastavku možete da pročitate opis projekta i da nađete aplikacioni formular, te da ga popunite i pošaljete, uz svoj CV na engleskom jeziku, na ltv@volontiraj.rs najkasnije do petka, 30.oktobra.

Bona Fides Association is searching willing candidates to the EVS VOLUNTEER position for accepted project.
Project Title: „Silesian institutions friendly for foreigners”
Project Number: 2015-2-PL01-KA105-017244
Coordinating and Receiving Organization: Bona Fides Association (PIC no: 947802812) http://europa.eu/youth/vp/organisation/58001480672_en
Partner Countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Serbia, Armenia and Belaruse
Placements: 1 per each contry ( in total 6 volunteers from 6 differante countries
Place: Katowice, Silesia Region, Poland
Duration: 12 months
Service dates: 1st March 2016 – 28th of February 2017

In this project will take part 3 volunteers from partner countries of 3 organizations from Armenia, Belarus, Serbia We also on commitment to the project 3 volunteers from the program countries: Italy, Spain and Greece. Our joint commitment provides 6 young volunteers from six countries.
The Bona Fides Association is a watchdog organization that, through its activities and initiatives aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness on the rights and duties of citizens, and thanks to this enable the residents to build civil society. Through this project we would like to unite the actions of young people EVS volunteers and local volunteers. Volunteers thanks to the project are able to gain knowledge about topics civil affairs, raise their experience on the topics of civil and thereby become more socially active. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of the actions on civil cases, not only in Katowice, but also in other towns in the province of Silesia. The volunteers in their activities, such as monitoring various places and institutions in the Silesian region and help the local community will see how the different kinds of legal mechanisms or society organisation work. They will be able to relate this to their home countries, and thus pull out good and bad practices.
The aim of this project is also facilitating the development of volunteers with fewer opportunities, who are struggling with obstacles geographic, economic or social in their countries. We want to help young people with this kind of problem leave their everyday life and the environment, to experience something new to what may they would not have a chance on your own. We want create a space for them to learn in a friendly atmosphere, thanks to the exchange of skills between volunteers and people who encounter on their way during these 12 months. We want to make the time spent on volunteering utilization of the acquisition of these competencies that will help them in the future life and improve their life situations.
It could be said that thanks to geographical location of Poland, in the middle of the Europe, we always had influences from East and West in the same time. The location of the Silesia is other advantage of project which we have to offer. Silesia always had been transborder region, because of the changing fortunes of history: whether annexations, when Silesia was splitted to 3 invaders and for this days we can see influences from all 3 cultures, or later fortunes when we were in the middle of two different ethnical and language cultures (Poland- Germany) and in the end period of communism. Because of that Silesia with cultural diversity will be perfect place to run project in which will take part volunteers from east and west part of Europe. It will let them to exchange experience which can be essential during the project. All activities in the project are based on non-formal learning methods, volunteers will be getting competences and knowledge trough action. Next reason why we do this project is interaction with local society, but also with local authorities and with people who captain important function in the institutions, where volunteers will be doing monitorings. We think otherwise,it is better to give volunteers as much oppurtunities as we can to interact with people who live in our region. We would like to enable this via offering them diverse actions: begin with monitorings, that will have got influence on improvement of service quality for native-born residents and for visiting tourist, through cooperation with children and youngsters in schools or in cooperetion with friendly NGO, to end on actions in and with local society thanks to pursued by community organizers or the actions connected to infokatowice.pl portal. We will show that everyone can have got influence on changes in our region. Volunteers actions should have influence on local community and it should realize them that they can change their environment on their own. They should know that they don’t have to agree on this what they came upon. Residents also can react on services deficiencies which they observe everyday. In this should help reports and articles publicated in local media after done monitorings by EVS volunteers.

– Monitoring of Tourist Information Centres, their availability in the cities of the Silesia region, quality of service and transferredinformation, ease in reaching them and availability for potential customer.
-Monitoring of public transport and its quality in the Silesian Agglomeration.
The purpose of these monitoring projects will improve the quality of services for foreign tourists as well as the promotion of the region. After each monitoring volunteers will draw up a report which will be sent to local media and published on the blog that volunteers will lead;
– collaboration with the city www portal infokatowice.pl, this portal brings residents of Katowice things that will take place in the districts of the city,in the City Hall, volunteers will do interviews with the residents, they will take pictures of important events and activities associated with the city, volunteers articles will be published on this portal, volunteers will also have the opportunity to collaborate with professional journalists;
– creating a catalogue about good experience concerning civil society in other countries, cooperation between citizens and public authorities, ways to control public authorities in other countries – through this kind of researches volunteers will create a report of their good experience that will help in the implementation of different actions of a watchdogs in the Association;
– promotional operations, to promote the program „Erasmus Plus“ and the European Voluntary Service through running a blog, where they present their ideas, experience of staying on the project, they will describ their project activities and thus may improve knowledge of other young people on the possibilities and opportunities offered by the Erasmus Programme + and EVS
– promotional activities, the aim is promoting the idea of voluntarism through participation and the assistance of the organization in events such as Days of Non-Governmental Organizations in Katowice, Silesia Volunteer Gala and other events, festivals or meetings during volunteering;
– in the context of the Association volunteers will also work with the local community by assisting to the organization in many types of events and activities organized by residents Settlements in Katowice, who cooperate with the Association; among these events will be the Neighbor Day, various happenings and many other events;
– volunteers will also work on projects concerning Association. methods of organizing community-their help will be needed when conducting interviews with local residents about issues of settlements, organizing monthly meetings for residents, training, events;
– volunteers will have the opportunity to meet with different people, youth and children, and also work with partner non-governmental organizations and thus exchange experience and different life idea; volunteers can organize workshops, seminars or any other kind of event;
– besides we would like volunteer to help us in the organization in the important activities of the Association such as: monitoring (eg Councilors), workshops, training courses, international study tours-which can help to organize and prepare; – we would like to engage volunteers for our actions, for our work we are doing in the Association;
We are open to ideas and suggestions from volunteer, according him way to carry out the tasks in the project, on its way to develop this project.

The project is projected for the yout with fewer opportunities. We are open to candidates who are struggling with:
1. Economic obstacles
a) young people with a low level of life, with low or no income;
b) long-term poverty in life on their own or with poverty of their parents.
2. Geographical obstacles
a) youths from poor urban / rural or peripheral regions
b) people with urban / rural areas where ascends the problems of unemployment, alcohol, etc.
c) youths from areas with limited service (limited public transport, lack of amenities)
3. Social Obstacles
a) persons with learning problems
b) youths, whose immediate environment is struggling with alcohol problems, drugs, unemployment, etc.
c) persons who have not completed education (do not have the basic education / medium and low); early school leavers
d) persons who do not have access to training
Gender does not matter. We believe and suggest that the volunteer who would be most satisfied in this type of project, is one person who:
– Wants to be active in the fresh air (volunteers will have to monitor many places, things, events, etc. This project is not sitting in the office and does not work with documents);
– Would like to share their experiences with others – volunteers will share their private opinions about Poland, Silesia, Katowice and EVS by blog where will place their comments, pictures, movies;
– Wants to explore Katowice and Silesia, we are looking for volunteers who will be interested in our region and country;
– Who want to know something about Poland, Poles and their culture, history and language but also to teach us – Poles – about their country and culture;
– Who would like to work with people – young people, local communities from Katowice and all other interested persons;
– Understands volunteering as a very interesting experience and want to share it with other people – as well as inform about Program “Erasmus Plus “and its capabilities.
Generally, volunteers should be aware of the main issues of the project, desiring to learn more about it, to be able to take challenges and new initiatives that are associated with them. The volunteer should be open, ready for group work, sharing an apartment or a room with another volunteer, should be interested in Poland and Polish language, cultural exchange, should be flexible and spontaneous, but most important to be creative. In addition, volunteer should be communicative – it will be a lot of people with whom volunteer will meet and lots of people who will be wanted meet with him / her. The volunteer should also be independent – we always give to volunteers a lot of support, as much as they need, but they must realize that the time of the project is their time and must be used as the best, so they should spend this time doing those things that give a positive impact on their lives (attaining new skills, meeting new people, and maybe even friends, acquiring new knowledge, the volunteer can not be passive).
The candidates should send us their CV and a special questionnaire, which we have prepared in English.

We will read all the documents from volunteers and discuss potential candidates. With the candidates which most corresponding to us we will contact directly (propably by skype). After this conversation will be final decision and information about recruitment will be sent to all candidates who passed the second stage of the recruitment process. Finally, thanks to this complicated procedure, we would like to match the profile of the best volunteer in the framework of the project.
Therefore, volunteers will be elected :
– at the age of 18 to 30 years. We are open to each candidate, age does not matter to us.
– We would have strongly motivated individuals who will take the goals of the project.
– We will not discriminate volunteers because of gender, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs and so we will be completely objective in making a selection, and our goal is to select the same number men and women to the project – if their motivation will be equal.

Application Form_Bona Fides