Home [njuz] “International Youth Peace Walk 2014″

“International Youth Peace Walk 2014″


WARP-Summit AdvertHeavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”) is organizing a world peace summit in Seoul, South Korea, from 17 – 19 September, 2014.

This summit will be the first summit of the World Alliance of Religions for Peace – made up of both secular and religious leaders from all faiths, nations, and cultures. Of foremost concern during this summit will be the discussion and creation of an interfaith constitution for peace.


The International Peace Youth Group (“IPYG”) will be hosting a summit closing event exclusively for youth organizations. The youth representatives of each country will have the task of carrying this message to their nation and turning the peace agreement into tangible peaceful actions within their communities.

After the chairman has embarked on ten world tours we remain convinced that the answer to world peace is finally within our grasp. Through this summit IPYG hopes to stand with you and deliver the message to the world that everyone must now become a messenger of peace. We must all work together to leave a legacy of peace for the next generation.

