Home [treninzi] Center for Development policy and Co-operation announces call for participants on program...

Center for Development policy and Co-operation announces call for participants on program “Minorities of Future”


Date: 12-18 May 2013
Venue: Novi Pazar / Serbia
E-mail: info.crps@gmail.com
Working Language: English

Training course will gather young leaders and youth workers from Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia FYR, Kosovo and Serbia in order to give them knowledge and skills that will help them recognize and include young people with fewer opportunities, especially young people from different minority groups in their local and international project and society in which they realize activities.

Travel costs will be reimbursed in 70%.

For more information write to: info.crps@gmail.com and  http://www.facebook.com/pageCRPSrs?fref=ts


Deadline for applications: 15 April 2013

Download Info Pack and Application form