Who we are:
The host organization is Association of artists – experts of drama, fine arts,
applied arts, music and theory, management of culture and art “Fabrik Art”. It is non profit organization based in Belgrade , Serbia . Through art “Fabrik Art” works on positive promotion and education of values and creative thinking audience, which is mainly youth. We are promoting intercultural dialogue through art and culture. (www.fabrikart.org)
applied arts, music and theory, management of culture and art “Fabrik Art”. It is non profit organization based in Belgrade , Serbia . Through art “Fabrik Art” works on positive promotion and education of values and creative thinking audience, which is mainly youth. We are promoting intercultural dialogue through art and culture. (www.fabrikart.org)
Boris Radivojkov – expert for photography and educator
Nebojsa Djeric – experienced Salto trainer
About the Project
Training Course is about increasing employment using creative photo art as a method for social inclusion of young people with a low standard of living from rural areas.
The main goal of our training course “Rural youth art citizens“ is to offer to participants new art techniques and learning methods for improving inclusion of excluded groups of young people with a low standard of living from rural areas. Also by promotion youth participation and photo activities, as a result of our TC participants will use those learning methods in everyday work with excluded youth including them in active local community life.
Idea is to show that this art activity based on increasing employment can lead to solution or point out a problem that can be resolved by working on it afterwards.
Activities on our training course: presentation of Youth in Action Programme and informing unemplyed youth about new possiblities, presenattion of the European Year of Citizens and the rights that go with it, non-formal education and informal way of learning, ice-breakers, team building exercises, individual and group activities, work on practical examples in a small groups, discussions, debates, presentations, project proposal witting, thematic art workshops, making photography, creating photo initiatives, photography art energizers, photography games, creating video from photo materials, drawing with photo chemistry, work on individual and group photo art-design creations, photographing in contact with nature.
Target group on our training course are people actively involved in work with social excluded groups of young people with a low standard of living from rural areas (youth workers, volunteers, youth leaders, play workers, NGO activists, school teachers, social workers).
– to increase awareness of the value and importance of creative participation as a form of active engagement and as a tool to develop and improve competences for personal, social and professional development.
– to promote methods of photo-art active participation and inclusion as a most significant value working with youth with fewer opportunities – young people with a low standard of living from rural areas.
– to encourage excluded young people with fewer opportunities – all unemplyed youth to play an active role in their local communities.
– to contribute participants development of creative capabilities and skills in youth work using learning and creative methods (photo art techniques)
– to promote creative youth work for increasing employment as a way of active youth participation.
– to promote the access of unemployed young people to the Youth in Action Programme.
– to increase role of youth citizens & civil society organizations in everyday European life
Working language:
English – all participants must be able to actively communicate using English language
Period of realization:
From 11th to 19th September 2013
Vrbas, Serbia
All interested Program countries and Neighboring Partner countries.
Partner organizations role:
Role of sending organization will be to promote the project, select the appropriate candidates for the project and prepare them. Organization will provide the logistics and project evaluation. Organization will be responsible for the coordination of the conducting of the daily agenda with the help of trained professionals, and also would actively work on conducting the activities and presentations, would be responsible for coordinating the preparatory project phase where it would be having the role of facilitator on the internet meetings concerning the project discussions, would be having the role of technical assistance for the evaluation project phase where our team would be facilitating the evaluation outline and would be complying the evaluation results for the final report.
100% for accommodation will be covered and 70% of travel cost (Apex tickets) will be reimbursed after receiving original receipts.
If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please send to us:
1. Filled partnership identification form – like word document (.doc)
2. Filled, Signed, Stamped and Scanned preliminary agreement from attachment, by E-mail:
Please: As we are applying on 1st February deadline, be as fast as possible in sending to us preliminary agreement and partnership indetification and do not forget to send us approximately your travel costs from your home town to Vrbas, Serbia.
Deadline for receiving preliminary agreement and partnership indetification is 20th of January 2013.
Further Information:
Please contact us:
Boris Radivojkov – project manager
Belgrade , Serbia .
+381 63 669 744
Belgrade , Serbia .
+381 63 669 744