Home [treninzi] International Training Course “European Challenge”

International Training Course “European Challenge”


Inclusive Movement is looking for four participants in the training course “European Challenge” that will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from October 29 – November 6, 2012.


“European Challenge” is a seven-day training which aims to explore and analyze inclusive youth work and the potential of international youth projects in achieving inclusion through youth entrepreneurship.

It will gather youth workers (professional or voluntary), unemployed youngsters or youngsters facing some kind of exclusion from Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Croatia and Serbia.

The main aim of the project is to equip participants with the knowledge, critical thinking and practical skills that will make their everyday work more effective. The training is based on learning by participation methodology and nonformal learning methods. Participants will get basic understanding of the inclusion process, concept of social and youth entrepreneurship and exchange ideas how to fight rising youth unemployment.

100% of accommodation and food costs and 70% of the travel costs will be covered by the project.


We invite interested people to apply for the training by sending filled application form to office@inkluzivnipokret.org