Home [konkursi] “TALK TO US” through your photo- multilingualism and communicaition

“TALK TO US” through your photo- multilingualism and communicaition


foto7Balkans Beyond Borders, always innovative and close to young creative people invites young and passionate photographers to Talk to us through their picture.

Balkans Beyond Borders (BBB) organizes a Facebook Photo Exhibition with title: “TALK TO US” through your photo. Young artists from the Balkans up to 30 years old can take part to the contest by applying here. The topic of the photo exhibition is inspired by the 3d edition of BBB Short Film Festival 2012 with title “TALK TO ME”: multilinguism and communication. The deadline to submit your photo is until 11 August 2012. Do not send the form unless you read carefully the Participation Terms.

The Balkans are known for their culture, traditions and multilingualism and it is exactly this diversity that we see as an added value, an opportunity to share and exchange our experience. Grab your camera and talk to us being inspired by the reality, diversity and unique environment you see the Balkan region.

The selection of the photos that will participate each week at the photo contest will be selected by Mr Ted Lieverman.

The process

Young artists are invited to submit their photo by applying online in BBB’s website. Mr. Ted Lieverman will do the selection. The selected photos will participate to the Facebook Photo Exhibition. Participants have to take into consideration before applying the Theme of the Facebook Photo Exhibition and the Participation Terms both available at: www.balkansbeyondborders.eu.

The competition

The selected photos will be divided in two sub-groups. Each sub- group will be published for one week on BBB’s Facebook Page. BBB fans through their “likes” will choose the winner of each sub-group (semifinal winner). At the end of the week the photo with the biggest number of “likes” will be the winner of the sub- group. The winners of the two sub- groups will compete for one week. The photo which will receive the biggest number of “likes” will be the Winner of the BBB Facebook Photo Exhibition.

The Winner

The final winner will be our Cover Photo for one month and will gain a Lomo Camera from www.lomography.gr. Also, we will upload more photos of the photographer in order to promote his/her work creating a personal online photo exhibition. The winner will also have the opportunity to have his/ her work promoted during the 3rd Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival in Tirana.

The 2nd Winner will be our Cover Photo for two weeks.

Inspiration and reward never ends!

About the organisation

Balkans Beyond Borders (BBB) is a nongovernmental organisation that using the Art of short film and new media seeks to promote youth mobility and youth cooperation in the Balkans through “dialogue”, “interaction” and “innovative learning”. By joining BBB’s activities the young people from the Balkans, while developing practical skills, learn to coexist, cooperate and overcome “borders”. Balkans Beyond Borders serves its mission in four ways: Film Festival, Workshops, Seminars and Network Development.