Home [treninzi] Youth Exchange “Youth creating their world”

Youth Exchange “Youth creating their world”


mladi15Youth creating their world” is a project with Youth exchange as its main activity where 30 interested unemployed youth or people who are working with unemployed youth from Serbia, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovenia and Romania with the aim of exchanging knowledge about traditional hand-craft work from different cultures and new alternative art forms for the development of young people’s skills and knowledge, who are living in both urban and rural areas as way to self employ or get employed by using these newly learned skills.

The venue place will be at Coka, Serbia.

The objectives of project are:

-broadening the cultural awareness among participants

-learning and developing practical skills and knowledge about traditional and new age alternative art

-creation of new art work products (combining traditional with new alternative art)

-making local exhibition of created products

-using IT and internet in disseminating and promoting their innovative art products

– encourage entrepreneurship/ways to self employ

– raising self confidence of unemployed youth

– learning basic about leading small business

All activities will be based on the principles of non-formal education, learning by doing and reflecting on participants’ previous experiences we will provide a safe learning-space, where participants can creatively, freely, and open-mindedly share, discuss, comment and express through art in an intercultural setting. Artistics work shops will find their practical use in creating an opportunity for both urban end rural youth to employ themselves or get employed, to encourage entrepreneurship and initiative taking. They will also give bases for unemployed youth to raise the level of their self confidence that so often can be shaken by the fact that they are unemployed.

The Exchange will be held from 26th of May (arrival day) until 2nd of June (departure day) in Coka , Serbia . We are expecting participants from Hungary , Macedonia , Slovenia , Romania and Serbia . Participanti treba da imaju od 18-25 godina.

Popunjene Questionnaire treba da posalju na nooactive@yahoo.com najkasnije do 14. maja.

Vise info na http://www.active.org.rs/