Home [treninzi] Omladinska razmena “Two Step Backward And One Smile” Struga, Macedonia

Omladinska razmena “Two Step Backward And One Smile” Struga, Macedonia


mladi10Inclusive Movement with its partners is looking for four participants (18-25 years old) in a youth exchange that will take place in a beautiful multiethnic city Struga in Macedonia, from May 31.-June 8. 2012.

Participants in this exchange will be from Macedonia, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Russia, and Serbia. The Youth Exchange Two Step Backward and One Smile aims at promoting volunteerism through photographs on the theme of volunteering and including messages about its promotion. The participants will be taking and selecting photographs and written messages in a Volunteers calendar for 2012/2013. The objectives of the youth exchange are to promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular, to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries and to promote European cooperation in the youth field.

100% of accommodation and food costs and 70% of the travel costs will be covered by the project.

Application form