Home [konkursi] konkurs za mlade Alijanse civilizacija i IOM za kratke video filmove

konkurs za mlade Alijanse civilizacija i IOM za kratke video filmove


film9Alijansa civilizacija Ujedinjenih Nacija i Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM) pozivaju mlade da dostave originalne i kreativne video filmove fokusirane na neku od sledećih tema – migracije, različitost, socijalna inkluzija, u sklopu projekta PLURAL+.
Rok za dostavljanje video filma dužine do 5 minuta je 01. jul 2012. Sve informacije, uključujući smernice, pravila, nagrade i način apliciranja mogu se naći na sajtu http://pluralplus.unaoc.org.

U nastavku teksta možete naći više informacija o samom PLURAL+ projektu:

Recognizing youth as powerful agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions, PLURAL+ invites youth to address key challenges in their communities related to migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesiveness, both at local and global levels. Young people up to 25 years old are invited to submit short videos of five minutes maximum in length.

PLURAL+ supports young people’s expression of their opinions by providing them with a variety of media platforms and distribution networks, including broadcasts, video festivals, conferences and events around the world. PLURAL+ not only provides young people with an effective platform to express themselves on key migration and diversity issues, but also reinforces the firm belief of IOM and UNAOC that youth are powerful and creative agents of social change.

A prestigious international jury will select three winners in each age categories (9-12, 13-17, 18-25). All the winners will be invited to New York, all travel expenses paid, to present their work at PLURAL + 2012 Awards Ceremony at the Paley Center for Media on 6th December 2012.

PLURAL+ partner organizations will also award other prizes and professional opportunities, such as winning participants presenting their work at film and video festivals, conferences and events around the world.

For more information, please contact: plural@unaoc.org