Home [treninzi] ONE 2 ONE: training course on developing youth workers’ competencies in individual...

ONE 2 ONE: training course on developing youth workers’ competencies in individual work


mladi22Training course
1-6 June 2012 | Vilnius, Lithuania

Training course aims to develop youth worker’s competence in building and maintaining individual relationship with a young person in relevant contexts.

Big part of youth work consists of individual contact with a young person. We can find many situations, where youth worker needs to have individual conversation with a young person in order to enhance his personal growth, give feed- back on his behaviour in the group, discuss issues of gender etc. One-to-one communication is the most intensive and common form of communication. It is the obvious and natural form, but professionals need training to develop competence in order to support young person’s development through individual process.

Training course aims to develop youth worker’s competence in building and maintaining individual relationship with a young person in relevant contexts.

We want to invite potential participants – youth workers, who work with groups of young people as well as individually with young person within different contexts, topics and/ or actions of Youth in action programme (EVS, Youth initiatives, Youth exchanges etc.) – to engaging, based on needs 4 full days training programme.

The programme will consist of these elements:
Exploring and clarifying:
✓Different approaches to professional individual relationship (coaching, mentoring, counseling etc.);
✓Contexts and situations, where individual relationship with young person takes place;
✓Aims and objectives of individual relationship;
✓The nature of one to one communication.
✓Communication skills;
✓Techniques and methods of individual professional dialogue;
✓ Feedback skills;
✓ Possibilities and limits of preferred style of individual relationship with young person.

We intend, that at the end of this course participants:
✓ would be able to identify contexts and situations, where individual relationship with young person needs to be built and developed.
✓ feel confident in their communication skills and capacities with young persona individually.
✓would be aware of different approaches, techniques and methods of individual contact with a young person and be able to use them.
✓would become aware of his/her own style to be in the relationship with young person and will be conscious about it’s possibilities and limits.

Available downloads:

Training overview

This Training course is

for 22 participants


and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors

Working language(s):



National Agency of Youth in Action in Lithuania (National Agency)

Agency of International Youth Co-operation is a public non-profit institution established in February 1999 by The State Council for Youth Affairs (currently Department of Youth Affairs at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour) and Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT). The main aim of the agency is to ensure the development of international youth cooperation and successful participation of Lithuanian youth in European Union programmes for young people.


Contact for questions:

Agne Kvikliene


E-Mail: agne@jtba.lt

Phone: +370 5 249 7003


This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Programme Countries, NA which hosts training course will finance your travel and visa costs.

This training activity is funded by:

The 'Youth in Action' Programme