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CV: Cultural Volunteers – training course on development of intercultural competence for young people through local voluntarism and EVS


sample_214-21 April 2012, Senta, Serbia
Themes of the training course: Development of intercultural competences of young people living in multicultural societies.

Make a difference between multicultural and intercultural societies.

Make local and European voluntarism popular for young people as tool for development of intercultural competence.

Being able to work with young people on themes as interculturality through volunteer activities.

The overall aim of the training course:

To train youth leaders on motivating and involving young people from different ethnic groups into local and European voluntary activities. To improve their intercultural competences in order to support the cross community cooperation through doing voluntary activities.


Learning objectives of the training course are:

  • To define the meaning of living in multicultural society and living in intercultural one;

  • To develop and improve intercultural competence of youth leaders from different ethnic groups;

  • To get acquainted with EVS as tool of intercultural competence development and as pattern for local volunteer activities;

  • To create different volunteer activities in order to foster cross community cooperation;

  • To create new partner network among volunteer organisations and invent together future projects on intercultural learning.

The methodology of the training course:

The training course will be based on non formal education. The training course will be built on the needs and expectations of our participants, so absolutely learner centred. During our training course, we will improve intercultural competences, communication skills, management and organisational skills and self – esteem as attitude of our participants. Methods we will use are self – assessment, theoretical and practical background, working in small groups, pairs, national and mixed groups, role plays, group building activities, research, creative and interactive methods.

The methodological order of our training course:

  • Getting to know each other and group building activities;

  • To gain theoretical inputs based on personal and professional experiences of our participants from the following themes: meaning of culture; cultural identity, intercultural learning.

  • To make a difference between living in multicultural or intercultural societies.

  • To get acquainted with formal and content wise criteria of European Voluntary Service;

  • To gain experiences to run volunteer activities locally as EVS volunteers;

  • To make an evaluation how EVS volunteer can improve intercultural competence and influence the local community;

  • To explore opportunities being volunteer locally in a multicultural society in order to foster cross community cooperation;

  • To prepare some common projects based on the needs of participants.


Who can participate in the training course?

  • YOU are over 18 and under 236!

  • YOU are interested in voluntary work and in leading voluntary youth projects;

  • YOU are ready to take actively part in the whole training course;

  • YOU have sufficient support from your organisation for initiating further activities with young people;

  • YOU are able to communicate English language. (Not Oxford level, but OK!)


Eligible countries: Turkey, Hungary, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia


Host organisation: Youth Organization of Senta

Youth Organization of Senta was founded in year 2007, by 10 young people who have been living in Senta, with the idea to work together and organize such activities which will contribute to development of young people’s everyday life and with the goal to raise the chances and opportunities of young people in this region.

The main objective of Youth Organization of Senta is to assist youth in better utilization of time, to give them chance to live healthier life, to raise their chances on labour market, to live equally and to help them to organize projects based on their ideas.

The Youth Organization of Senta has worked, works or will work in the fields of:

– Tolerance between nations, equality

– Sports, cultural events,

– Youth education,

– Youth employment,

– The involvement of youth in public life,

– Environment protection,

– Strengthening the democracy,

– Improving the quality of education,

– Youth camps.

Preliminary programme

Financial conditions:

The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. 70% of travels costs will be reimbursed either by bank transfer after the course or at the end of the course in cash (in Euros €). It may be that money from European Commission will be late; in that case, as mentioned, you will get your reimbursement after the course by bank transfer (be ready for that).

In the grant we have received a certain amount of money for this purpose, which we are not allowed to exceed. These amounts are based on the costs our partner organizations told us when we wrote the application. Amounts given are for return tickets between your place of living and Senta, Serbia.

We reimburse public transport tickets and taxi costs from cities where you change transportation only if they fit into your limit and you bring the invoices of them. Besides invoices, we need boarding passes too! Save your original tickets and receipts, invoices and all related documents, because you can only get reimbursement for costs of which you can prove the amounts with original tickets and receipts.



Number of participants

from the country

Maximum 100%

travel costs /

person (€)

Maximum 70%

travel costs /

person (€)









the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia









There is 20 EUR participation fee!

To be paid in cash in €, on arrival.

If you are interested in what is presented above, please fill-in the registration form  and send it by e – mail to): cultural.volunteers.senta@gmail.com


Applications should be sent by e-mail to cultural.volunteers.senta@gmail.com not later than February 05th, 2012