Home [treninzi] Study visit Youth work in Slovenia

Study visit Youth work in Slovenia


book1Study Visit: Youth work in Maribor and partner cities of European Capital
of Culture 2012 and possibilities for international cooperations 23rd – 30th June 2012 in Maribor, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Slovenj Gradec, Velenje, Novo mesto.
Short description:
Study visit »Youth work in European Capital of Culture 2012« is part of
the project for intensifying and promoting cooperation in teh youth field
that connects with the culture and biggest title in Europe – European
Capital of Culture.
We will visit youth organisations in east Slovenian part. Cities Maribor,
Slovenj Gradec, Novo mesto, Ptuj, Murska Sobota and Velenje.
It will last for 7 days, during which 24 representatives of Youth
organisations from EU and partner countries will visit at least 20 youth
organisations or/and youth clubs in north-east Slovenia.
The visits will be used to show youth organisations and its programmes can
fit in the project of European Capital of Culture as well for sharing
experiences and positive examples of youth projects and activities. Least
but not last we will discusse possibilities for future cooperation.

Aim of Study visit:
The main aim of this project is to provide an opportunity to youth workers
and NGO activists to explore the work of Slovenian youth organizations and
to learn from their positive experiences. It is also aimed at establishing
cooperation and building partnerships among them; as well as at
development of international youth projects, particularly in the framework
of the Youth in Action Programme. Also we want to make connections between
youth organisations that were involved in European Capital of Culture
programme with those organisations, who will be involved in the future.

Scientific and Research association for Art, Cultural – Educational
programmes and Technology EPeKa
Adress: www.epeka.si E-mail adress: epeka@epeka.si

Founder: EU programme Youth in Action, National agency MOVIT

Venues: Maribor, Slovenj Gradec, Novo mesto, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Velenje.

How to apply?
In case of interest please send us mail on stefan@epeka.si and we will
send you all needed forms that needs to be fullfiled from you.

Thanks and hope to see you in Slovenia.

Stefan Simoncic
+386 40 933 990

Štefan Simončič

Pekrska 13
2000 Maribor