Home [ volontiranje ] EVS u Rumuniji – Youth for Change

EVS u Rumuniji – Youth for Change


mladiiDragi volonteri, ovde mozete procitati nesto vise o dugorocnom projektu”Youth for Change”. Projekat pocinje u septembru ili oktobru 2011. godine i traje 8 meseci.

Ako odlucite da se prijavite za volontiranje u Rumuniji, molimo Vas posaljite nam CV i motivaciono pismo (oba dokumenta na engleskom jeziku) na nasu e-mail adresu: jumporganization@gmail.com

U motivacionom pismu  molimo Vas da napisite zasto zelite da ucestvujete na ovom projektu, zasto ste odlucili da se prijavite i kako mozete doprineti razvoju ovog projekta.


Project title:  “Youth for Change”

Starts: October / November 2011, for a 8 months period.

The project was born from  desire to bring the youngsters from our local communities, where the project is going to be
implemented, one step closer to European Union and its youngsters. The
projects idea started from another EVS project implemented by Organizatia Studentilor din Arad, project in which the volunteers had to do a research work about the life of the youngsters from local communities and about the
problems that they are facing.

The results of their research work became reasons for action, as some of
their conclusions were that:

– youngsters don’t care much about the environment and are not taking any
actions for preserving or cleaning it;
– the youngster perception about European Union is very low and they don’t
have good knowledge about the role of Romania as a state member is about,
and also about their role in the society as European citizens;
– most of the youngsters know very little about the other countries that
are EU members and about other countries outside EU;
– the gap between Roma youngsters and the other youngsters is very deep,
both ethnics are manifesting low tolerance for the other, situation that
should not exist in the “European Family”;
– a lot of kids are left home only with their grandparents, because the
parents are working outside Romania’s borders, a thing that has major
repercussions in the youngster life, affecting them on a personal, social
or educational level;

For the reasons mentioned above and more, our organization decided to
develop this EVS. This project will continue the work started by the other
group of volunteers, in their try to solve some of the problems that our
youngsters are confronting with, by continuing some of their already
started activities and developing new ones.

Activities developed are going to be:

by the other volunteers with the youngsters inside the schools. They tried
to put in contact the youngsters from our schools with the others from the
schools in their countries, by creating a bridge between them with the
help of the postcards, made by them. The youngsters created the postcards
and sent them to the others from the partner schools. In this way they
managed to create a very good connection between schools from Romania,
Italy, Poland, France, and Germany.

. LETTER FROM MY EUROVILLAGE: it is a project that, together with the
POSTCARD PROJECT, will even bring closer the youngsters coming from
different backgrounds, societies, economical environment, social and
ethnic, and will contribute at promoting better understanding and
collaboration among them;
volunteers research and observations, youngsters doesn’t seem to care much
about this vital issue for European Society and the whole world, which is
the environment. That is why with this ecological activities we are trying
to motivate them, to make them more responsible and more concerned related
to this. Also the photos and the exhibition, that will gather all the
photos, is going to stimulate their creativity, innovation and
. THEATRE: theatre is a project that will contribute in
improving and developing new abilities to all the persons involved, both
volunteers and youngsters.
. EuRo GAMES: will have the role to teach the youngsters about the
European Union, about its values, about its countries
. YOUTH NEWS PAPER: the volunteers will have the chance to put the basis
of an newspaper, where they are going to be the coordinators an the
editors. They’ll have the chance to learn or improve their artistic
skills, in creating the layout of the newspaper, and their journalistic
“ARAD – begin of the journey”: it is going to be a small travel
guide that will contain information about the journeys that you made
around the country, tips and advices about some of the experiences that
you had on your traveling and other information that you would like to
. EXTRA ACTIVITIES – besides the activities that we described you, your
ideas about other activities that you would like to develop here will be
most than welcomed and put into practice.
.WEEKLY WORKSHOPS – like body language, foreign language, cooking, handy crafts and a lot of other themes that can be implemented by the volunteers together with the youngsters from the communities where the volunteers will live and work.

Based on our previous experience with EVS, we’ve learned that a project
like this will suit best to volunteers which are:
.       creative
.       open to discover and willing to get involved in new experiences
.       happy to work with young people (even kids of 13-17 years);
.       willing to make a difference;
.       willing to work in an international team.

Also, due to the fact that in the communities in which the project is
going to take place few people have knowledge of foreign languages other
than English, some basic knowledge of this language is more than helpful.

Interested candidates should send us a CV and a letter of interest,
describing what raised their interest in this project and how they
consider that can bring a contribution to it.

To apply for this project please send CV and letter of interest on jumporganization@gmail.com.
