Home [ volontiranje ] Looking for volunteer for project “Breaking the limits” in Riga, Latvia!

Looking for volunteer for project “Breaking the limits” in Riga, Latvia!


avion2We are looking for volunteer for one year period – from September, 2011 for one year.

The main goal of the project is to integrate people from different social background and encourage society for intercultural dialogue, through involving young people in non-formal and social activities.

The volunteer will work in organization “Youth Against AIDS”, participating and organizing wide range of activities: an exhibition about discrimination, World AIDS Day activities, workshops in orphanage houses and youth centers, project management, and non formal activities, sharing experiences and developing one’s personality.


* Assist in the development of new project proposals on non-formal education, social exclusion, HIV/AIDS and in particular in the analysis of the EU funding opportunities (15% of work time);

* Organize cultural events such as exhibitions and concerts for youth public (for example, health week and others) (approx. 15% of work time);

* Organize and lead non-formal education activities for youth in schools and orphanage houses (50% of work time);

* Assist on administrative issues linked to “Youth against AIDS” such as: public relations, project management, financial management, networking and partnership building, etc (20% of work time). 

Project environment

The project will take place in Riga – the capital of Latvia. There are aprox. 750 000 inhabitants residing in Riga and it is very dynamic and modern city. In Riga you can find lot of cultural events and active night life, as well as enjoy great architecture, sights and historical hereditary. Everyone can find how to spend free time here.

The apartment for volunteer will be near the centre of Riga and office place will be in the centre.

In the organization all members are volunteers, approximately 15 of them are very active members and approx. 10 more members are coming to trainings and special activities. Most of organization`s members are high school and university students.

About “Youth Against AIDS”

“Youth against AIDS” is a non-governmental youth organization that involves young people, aged 15-30, as volunteers. The organization’s focus and primary long-term goals relate to the involvement of young people in work with their peers, educating them about HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) and other issues which relate to one’s health and one’s lifestyle.

The organization is working since 1997, organizing educational and informational activities such as interactive workshops in schools and youth centers, discussions, summer camps and street actions, as well as informational activities in popular night clubs and festivals.

If you want to apply, please send your CV and motivation letter till the 26th of May to e-mail fatih.usalan@gmail.com