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CEI Know-how Exchange Programme


 The Central European Initiative (CEI) is glad to announce aCall for Proposals within the Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) financed by Austria, through the Austrian Development Agency, for the year 2010. The Call is aimedto increase the competiveness among the applicants which should trigger a better outcome of the projects. The Programme supports projects which are in accordance with the priorities of the recipients and that comply with their own strategies of development. The KEP funding is aimed to support activities such as: on-the-job training, secondment of staff, study tours, peer review missions, assistance in the preparation of strategic documents, technology transfer, technical assistance and other interventions which promise efficient and effective transfer of a given know-how.

The deadline for submitting the applications is 1 March 2010 in electronic format tothe CEI-ES and to the CEI National Coordinator of the applicant’s country.

For more information on the Call for Proposals click here. [CEI]