Home [konkursi] IIIrd International Summer School entitled

IIIrd International Summer School entitled


cherry.jpgAfter the success of the first two Summer Schools, the Faculty of Economics and Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Rijeka are organizing the IIIrd International Summer School entitled «International Environment and European Integration» which will be held from July 2nd to July 14th 2007, in Rijeka, Croatia.

The goal of the EFRI Summer School is to broaden the knowledge of students of economics, law and other related studies on the basics of the economic integration process in Europe (focusing on Croatia and South East Europe), and to point out the advantages and challenges ofeconomic integration in everyday life.

The course work will consist of lectures, workshops and an assignment to be completed in groups with the support of course supervisors. Due to its specific approach to the European Union & the International Environment, this course will suite both the students who already have a basic knowledge of EU matters and those who want to know more.

EFRI Summer School provides a limited number of full or partial scholarships for talented students, to be given primarily to applicants from or countries where local scholarship funds are more limited (mostly non-EU countries) and Universities with whom the Faculty of Economics Rijeka has cooperation agreements. Scholarships will be selected by the The Summer School Organising committee on the basis of academic, personal and economic reasons.

A full scholarship at the EFRI Summer School 2007 covers the total fee of EUR 550. A partial scholarship covers only a part of total fee.

Students of the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka are entitled to partial scholarship (1.200,00 HRK).

The EFRI Summer School 2007 is open to both undergraduates (preferably close to finishing their degrees), graduate and postgraduate students of Business and Economics and other Social Studies.

Fill in the attached scholarship application form and post it with other application materials. In this form candidates should explain reasons for financial support. Candidates for scholarships will be informed in time.

The scholarship application form can be downloaded here

Details: http://www.efri.hr/english/prikaz.asp?txt_id=3113