Home [treninzi] Novi trening o Youthpass-u

Novi trening o Youthpass-u


 A new training offer has been published in SALTO's European Training Calendar.
Date: 2009-01-30 Title: Recognizing Youthpass – We Recognize Non-Formal Education
From 2009-02-25 to 2009-03-03 in Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Activity type: Training course Target groups: Trainers, Young people, Youth Policy Makers
For participants from: Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Serbia

For detailed information, please have a look at http://www.salto-youth.net/find-a-training/1436.html

Please make active use of all our other online resources and services available via MySALTO (http://www.salto-youth.net/mySALTO/).