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Training course on recognition of non formal learning by Youthpass


 ”Recognizing Youthpass – We Recognize Non-Formal Education”
Training course on recognition of non formal learning by Youthpass
25 February – 03 March 2009, Kavadarci, Macedonia

The overall aim of the training course: This Training Course is the first one organized in SEE related to the actual introduction of the Youthpass certificate within Youth in Action Programme activities in the region. Its main context is the improvement of youth work practice by recognizing the values of non-formal learning.

Recognition of non-formal learning and different approaches of instruments to give and to get recognition is treated with appropriate respect and great importance by European institutions.

The overall aims of the TC are:
– to raise awareness of different types of learning within youth projects;
– to clarify development of competences through informal, non formal and formal learning;
– to provide participants with an overview of key competences as defined with the Youthpass;
– to practice the procedure of completing their own Youthpass certificate regarding the knowledge and experiences acquired during the Training Course.

Training Course learning objectives are:
– To experience and reflect on what makes a learning process a non-formal learning experience;
– To provide opportunities to practice specific tools and methods for self-assessment and feedback to be used in practice when working with young people;
– To explore and discuss different or similar understandings of non-formal learning in participating countries and its relation to youth and education policies;
– To raise awareness about the Youthpass as a tool for recognition of non-formal learning within the Youth in Action Programme;
– To experience Youthpass through implementing it during the training course;
– To understand the challenge of facilitating a process for assessing competences and learning outcomes within Youth in Action activities;
– To experience and discuss the educational values and potentials of Youthpass in the Youth in Action Programme and its different activities for individuals, NGO’s, stakeholders etc.

Training Course methodology:
The course is designed as an open learning process based on participants’ experience and exchange. The training course will follow the non-formal education approach. A combination of the different creative and interactive methods will be used by the international trainers’ team and designed upon the profile of participants. The learning of new skills, the acquisition of knowledge Training course and the exchange and challenge of each other’s attitude and experience are very important for this training course.

Some of the examples of methods that are going to be used in this training course:
– individual and group activities
– work on practical examples in a small groups
– thematic workshops
– role plays
– theoretical inputs
– practical presentation and creation of Youthpass certificate
– discussions on follow – up activities after this training course.

The entire course is designed as a mutual learning process in which, using diverse methods, participants can compare their approaches and experiences with youth work and Youth in Action programme. Trainers will establish a theoretical framework and common reference points for learning and communication in this course, at the same time providing a framework where participants will be able to exchange their experiences and to develop new ideas. The course methodology foresees direct involvement of the youth and youth work organisations that will be present at the training course. The course programme and contents are organised to allow for the maximum participation of the group using active and participatory methods.

Trainers’ team:
Tadej Pugelj, Slovenia
Mara Árvai, Hungary
Petre Mrkev, Macedonia

Host organisation: Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency – SPPMD, Kavadarci

SPPMD is established in 1996. It has a legal department that works on improvements of legislative concerning the position of juveniles in the actual Justice system of the country, as well as youth department that isresponsible for practical activities with children and youngsters. SPPMD organises the work of“Babylon “Center for children and youth from Kavadarci, which has the main facilities in the town, as well as small facilities in five villages in the neighbouring rural areas. These are places wherthey can spend their spare time, learning and practising different non-formal activities.
SPPMD is a founding member of National coalition for Protection of children rights.
SPPMD is a founding member and currently holds the presidentship of the Coalition “All for Fair Trials”.
Since 2004 SPPMD is Implementing Partner Organizaiton for Macedonia of UNPD/UNV initiated RIVER SEE Programme. Since September 2005 SPPMD works as a Contact Point for the YOUTH/YiA Programme in Macedonia.
Since 2008 SPPMD is official EVS Training Provider for SEE nominated by the SALTO SEE RC.

Who can participate in the training course:
– Youth workers, directly working with young people or youth leaders having experience in organizing at least one international youth project in the frame of the YOUTH/Youth in Action Programme;
– Youth workers or youth leaders who are interested to use Youthpass certificate as tool for recognition of non formal learning within their international youth projects;
– Aged between 18 and …
– Ready to take part in the whole training course;
– Have organizational support for further activities with young people;
– To be able to communicate actively in English language.

Eligible countries:
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. There are places for 30 participants – three per country.

Financial conditions:
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. 70% of travels costs (to certain limits, depending on specific countries) will be reimbursed by bank transfer after the course.
The participation fee is 15 Euro. It will be used to cover the bank costs made for payment of travel costs and will be deducted from the amount eligible for travel reimbursement.

The Training Course will take place in Kavadarci, the home town of the organizers – SPPMD. Kavadarci is situated in the Southern part of the country, at 80 kms from the border with Greece, an is the main center of grapes, rakia and wine production in the Balkans, having the biggest winery in the region and more then 30 medium and small recently opened private wineries.

If you are interested in becoming familiar with Youthpass, please fill-in the application form attached and send it to us by e – mail to contact@sppmd.org.mk by 05.02.2009.

If you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us on youth@sppmd.org.mk

All applicants will be informed about the selection till 09.02.2009.

The selected participants will receive additional information about the Programme and preparation, as well as further travel and logistical arrangements.
