Home [njuz] International Student Week in Belgrade 2009

International Student Week in Belgrade 2009


 International Student Week in Belgrade will be held again, for the third time in its history, in summer 2009! The project will gather together 200 students from Europe who will, during their active participation at ISWiB 2009 and seven-day stay in Serbian capital, have opportunity to meet Belgrade, Serbian culture, traditions, as well as modern life style of young people in Serbia. Having chosen as a motto of 2009 festival – Challenge of Changes – ISWiB team had in mind the picture of a society that we live in and a situation that cannot be applied only to one country and one nation. We undoubtedly live in the times of fast, unpredictable, quite sudden, positive and negative life changes, those that leave impact on human civilization and those who leave inerasable trace on personal level. There have been, and there always be changes around us – this is an undeniable fact. However, what is important is the other fact – the one that we should never ever be afraid of the changes. We just need to understand that we can slowly but gradually through the changes improve the environment that we live in. And that is where we should start from ourselves and our own point of view of the world that surrounds us and ask ourselves whether we are ready for changes and to change! Changing of the world is not an easy job. Not at all. We should possess strong will. We should have infinite patience. We should be amazingly brave.

To put it simply, we should be ready enough to face and meet the CHALLENGE OF CHANGES! Motto of International Student Week in Belgrade 2009 will be discussed and studied in nine workshops: Art and Culture, Ecology, Economics, Human Rights, Media, Society, Youth Activism, Photo Art and Video Art; through interactive lectures, open panel discussion as well as other cultural and featuring activities, where participants will be given a chance to exchange their opinions and attitudes both with their counterparts and eminent experts in different walks of life.


All European students and those from the other continents but studying in Europe at the moment can apply for ISWiB. All fields of study are welcome, there are no special requirements. Recently graduated students are also welcome.

Participation Fee is 50 euros for foreign participants and 25 euros for the participants from Serbia.

The official language of ISWiB is English.

Deadline: April 15th 2009

More information and application here: http://iswib.org/index.php