Home [konkursi] European cultural foundation: GRANTS FOR MAKING COLLABORATION

European cultural foundation: GRANTS FOR MAKING COLLABORATION


 We are on the look-out for great collaborative projects bringing together several cultural organisations. We are on the lookout for projects that find new creative ways of collaborating across borders. – You do not have to fill in an application form. Simply present us with your written project proposal(in English, max. 2 pages, around 1000 words). No accompanying material is needed at this stage. It helps if you say something about who might be involved in the project, where and when it might take place, and why it is relevant. As you have limited space, stick to what is most important, and focus on what you are actually going to do.
– After the deadline, the Grants team will read all the project descriptions.
– Within a few weeks, we will invite those applicants whose projects we found most interesting to write a more extensive project application. This will include all necessary technical details about dates, budget, exact activities, context, etc. These applicants will have 2 weeks to submit their complete applications.


We guide you through a 3 step system where we present our guidelines, give some examples end answer frequently asked questions. (http://www.eurocult.org/we-support-cultural-cooperation/grants/application-for-making-collaboration-work /)

Please read this info carefully to see if your project fits in with what we are looking for. Once you are at the end of this 3 step-system you get to the online application form were you can submit your project

Deadline: 1 March 2009