Home [stipendije] Women in Technology Scholarship

Women in Technology Scholarship


 Women in Technology Scholarship, Neumont University up to $1,000 Per Quarter
To encourage the enrollment of highly qualified women, Neumont University grants scholarships of up to $10,000 to women who demonstrate superior academic competency and skills.
Scholarship Application Deadline:
Winter Scholarship Review: December 21, 2008

To apply for a Women in Technology Scholarship:
1. Complete an Online Application for Admissions.
2. Submit a recommendation from a math, science, computer science, or technology instructor. Recommendation forms are available through the Office of Admissions.
3. Complete an official standardized test (ACT or SAT).
4. Request that an official record of test scores be submitted to Neumont University.

For further information visit http://www.neumont.edu/womenintechnology.index.html