Home [ volontiranje ] EVS in SCI Madrid

EVS in SCI Madrid


 Spanski ogranak SCI iz Madrida trazi zainteresovane osobe izmedju 20 i 29 godina mladosti, koji bi zelele da postanu njihovi EVS volonteri na projektu "Volunteers promoting Volunteering" Ref. 2007-ES-151. Projekat bi poceo u februaru 2009, a trajao bi 10 meseci. Rok za prijavu je 24. septembar


The volunteer would become part of SCI office team in Madrid. 

She/he will collaborate closely with us and will be involved in all our activities.  

To take part in the following tasks is foreseen:

  • Communication with volunteers.
  • Assistance during placement procedures.
  • Developing contacts with future project-partners and follow-up of workcamps.
  • Coordination of one summer workcamp.
  • Preparations of trainings, seasonal meetings and seminars.
  • Support of local working groups. Currently these are involved specifically with North-south issues, environmental and social volunteering.

Profile required:

  • Previous SCI and workcamp  experience (volunteering experience in other NGOs will also be valued)
  • Fluency in Spanish and English (oral and written).
  • Computer literacy.
  • Able to work in a team, as well as, independently.
  • Flexibility and enthusiasm

We offer:

Standard EVS condition regarding

  • Accommodation: one room in a common share flat
  • Allowance for food: 150 euros
  • Pocket money: 105 euros as stipulated for Spain
  • Transport: Monthly ticket to travel in the city of Madrid

Possibility to develop an own personal micro-project related to our working groups.