Trening je namenjen omladinskim liderima, omladinskim radnicima i volonterima.
Kriterijumi za uèešæe:
· starost iznad 18 godina
· sposobnost za rad na engleskom jeziku
· prethodno iskustvo u organizovanju lokalnih/nacionalni h omladinskih projekata/akcija
· moguænost i motivacija da se steèeno znanje primeni u projektima na nacionalnom/ medjunarodnom nivou.
Poziv se odnosi na ucesnike sa teritorije Srbije.
Svi troskovi boravka ucesnika (smestaj i hrana), kao i 70% od ukupne cene putnih troskova do Struge su placeni!
Projekat je podrzan od strane Evropske komisije u okviru programa "Mladi u akciji".
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da ucestvujete posaljite kratko motivaciono pismo na engleskom i vasu biografiju na kljajic3@yahoo. com do 1. septembra!
U nastavku mejla mozete naci malo vise informacija o ciljevima treninga, a u prilogu se nalazi i detaljan program rada.
This training course focuses on the methods for intercultural learning trough dialogue as part of the process of implementing youth exchanges and international events in general.
We aim to strengthen the human capacities of the organisations involved in this event trough training their members on how to use such methods when they are animators, facilitators and group leaders, primarily on youth exchanges but also on different international or multicultural events for youth in general. We find the importance of knowing these methods and the skills of using them very high.
We also aim to support young people in understanding, raising awareness about the importance of intercultural learning, to increase to competences to plan an ICL-process and implementing the ICL-aspect in the daily life on a youth-exchange.
As overall aim, we want to raise understanding and to enable participants to implement intercultural learning in various international youth activities, ones similar to youth exchanges as part of the Youth in Action Programme.
With this training course the involved organisations will get motivated members for initiation, development, implementation, evaluation and follow up of various events where inter-culturality will be a focal point.
Molimo vas da poziv prosledite osobama ili organizacijama za koje mislite da bi bile zainteresovane.
S postovanjem,
Marija Kljajic
Generalna sekretarka,
Centar za interaktivnu umetnost: "In Stage Organization"
Kralja Milana 10, 11000 Beograd