Home [stipendije] Alps-Adria Research Fellowships

Alps-Adria Research Fellowships


 The Province of Styria provides on behalf of the Rectors' Conference of the Association of Countries, Republics, Territories and Counties in the Alps-Adria Region the amount of € 8.500,- for research fellowships for the academic year 2008/2009, which may be divided among several applicants.  Citizens of the countries belonging to ARGE Alps-Adria with a university degree of a member institution may apply – age limit is 35 years. These fellowships may be consumated at the following universities:

Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Technical University Graz
Medical University of Graz
University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz
University of Mining and Metallurgy Leoben

Applications may be submitted in all subject areas that are established at one of the five Styrian universities. The topics suggested for research should be of special importance to the Alps-Adria region.

These documents must be submitted with an application:

1. Letter of application indicating the period of time for the planned research
2. Description of the research topic
3. Letter of acceptance from the department at which the research is to be carried out
4. Curriculum vitae and a list of publications (if applicable)
5. Copy of the graduation certificate of a member institution of the Rectors' Conference of the ARGE Alps-Adria.
6. Two letters of recommendation
7. A detailed explanation for the length of the proposed research period

The stipends are € 500,– per month and are paid by the University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz.
The scholarships can be granted for a maximum length of 10 months per candidate, in most cases it will be shorter, however. The stipends must be consumated between October 2008 and June 2009. The research must be carried out at one of the five Styrian universities. At the end of the fellowship the fellowship-holder must submit a final report.

Complete applications should be sent by September 15th 2008 to the following address:

Dr. Sieglinde Roth
Referentin des Vizerektors für Kunst und Wissenschaft
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
Leonhardstraße 15, A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 389 1114
Fax: +43 316 389 1101
e-mail: sieglinde.roth@kug.ac.at

You can find this and further information about the grant here and under http://elisa.uni-mb.si/.