Home [treninzi] Active youth participation – A training course for youth projects managers, Srbija

Active youth participation – A training course for youth projects managers, Srbija


 Purpose of the training:
The main purpose of this training is to widen the perspectives of active youth projects managers of the definition of youth participation, related concepts and instruments for youth participation implementation in practice. The training course itself, also aims at developing personal skills and youth participation knowledge of these youth projects managers.

Moreover, it also strenghtens implementation of Youth in Action programme by empowering project managers that implement youth participation projects often funded through Youth in Action.

These managers, often young people themselves, are important ring in the chain of project-delivery quality that is being serviced to its young beneficiaries via different youth-serving projects. This is also true when youth participation is concerned as project managers are often the most consistant source of information and know-how to youth projects' users and success of any youth-serving project very much depend on them.

This is not the training course for general population of youth and from that point of view it is different from trainings that were held on similar topics.

Desired participants profile:
The training course should bring together 24 experienced and active youth projects managers from Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. These should be people that are widely considered as multipliers, and people on whom success of any youth-serving project very much depends on. Participants of this training course therefore will be youth projects managers in a position of responsibility in a non-governmental youth organizations actively and directly involved in youth participation projects at local or regional level. They need to be motivated in developing further youth participation projects and to act as multipliers, also regarding innovative ways or projects and/or new target groups which could not be reached so far.

The participants also have to be:

– From: Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia.
– Committed to respect training timeline and content.
– Willing to continue cooperation with other participants after the training.
– Able to work and easily communicate in English language.

Training will be hosted in "Vila Lira" hotel in Palic which is nearby Subotica, the most northern town in Serbia (10 km from the border with Hungary). Subotica is easily accessible from Novi Sad and Belgrade as it is on the route of largest railroad and highway routes in Serbia.

All participants will have to come to Subotica in their own arrangement and by either bus or train travel means. Only 70% of travel costs incurred (including return) can be reimbursed. When arriving in Subotica taxi service will be made available to transport them to Palic and hotel accommodation. More specific logistical details will later be given to all selected participants.

Application deadline:
Please send the application form to office@parlament.org.rs e-mail address no later than May 31st 2008.

Call for participants can be downloaded HERE , while the application form can be downloaded HERE.