Home [treninzi] Austrian National Agency “Youth in Action” – TC on EUropean SEEtizenship

Austrian National Agency “Youth in Action” – TC on EUropean SEEtizenship


 The Austrian National Agency "Youth in Action" in cooperation with the Balkan Children Youth Foundation (BCYF) is organizing a training course on "European Citizenship" in the framework of YIA -TCP from 28. februar till 05.march 2008 in Ohrid, FYROMacedonia.

The training course is open for youth workers from YiA programme countries and from the SEE region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROMacedonia, Montenegro and Serbia including UNMIK Kosovo). A maximum of 30 participants can take part in the course!
Objectives of the training course:
– Understanding civic competence in the framework of the Key Competencies (footnote: as suggested by European commission in the context of LLL)
– Exploring the meaning of the terms Identity, values and citizenship on personal level and understanding of these terms in European context.
– To illustrate the connection between European Citizenship, Human Rights, Democracy and the rule of law.
– Defining and carve the European dimension in a youth project

Travel and Accommodation costs for selected participants from SEE are covered 100% by the Austrian National Agency "YiA" Youth workers, who are interested to participate in this training course should send the filled in application form at the latest 1 February 2008 to following e-mail address: tc.citizenship@gmail.com.