Home [akcija] Regionalna konferencija romske omladine – Opening Doors fro Roma Youth

Regionalna konferencija romske omladine – Opening Doors fro Roma Youth


Serbin Roma Youth Association (UMRS) is pleased to invite you to the upcoming regional conference Opening Doors for Roma Youth which will take place on February 18, 2020 at the Kulturna stanica Eđšeg, Novi Sad, Serbia.

The conference is part of the broader project which is aiming to strengthen the role of Roma youth for participation in regional policy making, through regional cooperation, to improve the situation of Roma youth in youth policies and employment across the Western Balkan.

Working language of the conference is English, with provided translation to Serbian and Albanian .

Serbian Roma Youth Association and its partners are supported by RYCO within the second Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

Additional support is provided by Roma Integration 2020 (RCC) and OPENS (Novi Sad European Youth Capital 2019).

Please fill in this form by Monday, February 17th, by the end of the day: http://bit.ly/ODRYregister

Program: http://bit.ly/ODRYagenda

More info: umrs.beograd@gmail.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/WBRomaYouth/

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Novi Sad!