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Call for applications: The Swedish Institute (SI) Summer Academy for Young Professionals in Western Balkans


Are you under 36 years old, and interested in building networks and increasing your knowledge of transparent, efficient and resilient public administration?

Do you currently work with public administration, in politics or within the civil society? Apply today to the first SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals in Western Balkans (SAYP WB) 2018.

The Swedish Institute (SI) is pleased to welcome applications to SAYP WB from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Sweden. The call for applications is open between 11 April – 15 May 2018.

The Programme
SAYP is a leadership and training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance in countries of Western Balkans. The programme attempts to strengthen young professionals and their individual capabilities to participate in the process of developing a more sustainable governance structure.

Participation in SAYP starts with a thematic module (usually some 30 participants, and about two weeks in duration), which is free of charge and includes food, accommodation and flight tickets. The module is focused on:

  • Network-building
  • Experience-sharing
  • Development of new knowledge

Afterwards, SAYP participants are welcome to join in follow-ups and thematic workshops as fellows of the Swedish Institute Alumni Network – a vast professional and global contact network meant to keep building good practices and mutual learning processes for a sustainable future. SAYP alumni also enjoy the possibility to apply for micro grants to build their own activities, and use peer shadowing mobility for tailor-made expert visits abroad.

Who can apply?
The programme targets young professionals (up to 35 years old) already employed either in the state structures (state, regions, municipalities) or in political organisations, parties or movements. Also civil society workers and employees of public companies may apply. In SAYP 2018 applicants from the following categories have priority:

  • Policymakers (politicians, government officials, employees of political parties)
  • Public servants (non-political civil servants working at government agencies)
  • Civil society workers (CSO/NGO volunteers/employees)

Young professionals who do not belong to any of the categories above, e.g. employed in the private sector, or working as independent consultants/freelancers, may also apply but will not be prioritized in the selection.

Participants will learn by taking part in practical tasks, exchanging experiences and finding common solutions to challenges within modern governance.

If you are open-minded and want a real learning challenge, apply for SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals! The deadline for applications is 15 May 2018.

How to apply?
Please read the instructions, available on the SI website: si.se/saypwb