Home [konkursi] Canada Fund for Local Initiatives 2018.

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives 2018.


The Embassy of Canada is calling for project proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

The CFLI finances small projects which enhance the democratic, economic, cultural, and social life of the people of Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. The CFLI is available to NGOs and civil society organizations.

This year, the CFLI will support projects closely aligned with one or several of the following priorities:

    1. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
    2. Inclusive governance, including diversity, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
    3. Peace and security, with a focus on conflict prevention and building peace.

Projects selected for funding will have to demonstrate long-term self-sustainability, high visibility and stress gender equality.

Normally, all project activities must be completed by February 28, 2019. However, on an exceptional basis, we would consider projects extending beyond this deadline.

The maximum amount for one project is CAD $25,000.

Please note that each year the Embassy receives a vast number of applications while the CFLI can support only a very limited number of projects. Therefore, only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Proposals which do not clearly state how they meet the above criteria will not be considered.

For CFLI guidelines and application forms please contact: canada.fund2010@gmail.com

The deadline for submitting proposals is April 29, 2018.  The proposal should be submitted by email only in .doc or .docx format to:

CFLI Coordinator
Canadian Embassy

email: canada.fund2010@gmail.com