Home [stipendije] Erasmus Mundus Action 2 SIGMA: Scholarships for Western Balkans/EU

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 SIGMA: Scholarships for Western Balkans/EU


SIGMA is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project within the European Commission scholarship programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 6, Western Balkans – part of a wider programme that aims at promoting institutional cooperation and mobility between the EU and other parts of the world.


Within this scholarship programme, there are over 250 fully funded scholarships available:
for students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the Western Balkans to visit one of the EU partner universities &
→ for students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the EU partner universities to visit one of the partner universities in the Western Balkans

European Commission on the Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Fields of study
All fields of study are available according to partner universities’ offers

Who can apply?

  • Students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from universities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo (as defined under UNSCR 1244/99), Montenegro, and Serbia (Target group 1, 2 or 3) who are nationals of one of these countries.
  • Students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from partner universities in the EU (Target group 1) who are nationals of the EU.
  • All applicants must have finished at least one year of university studies.
  • Applicants from the Western Balkans cannot have spent more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years in one of the EU countries (doesn’t apply to staff & Target Group 3).

What does the scholarship cover?

Travel costs, insurance, tuition fee, fixed monthly scholarship to cover living expenses! Find more information about the scholarships HERE.

How to apply?

All interested candidates should first check which are the required documents HERE for undergraduate/master/PhD students and Post Doc’s and Staff respectively. All the documents should be in English or translated into English.

Application process | STEP BY STEP

  1. Open, totally ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESSno printed documents should be sent
  2. Read the instructions very carefully
  3. Make sure you are eligible and decide which target group you belong to
  4. Check the offers of the partner universities and decide which university you will be applying to – you have 2 choices. Applicants from the Western Balkans can apply to the EU partner universities only, applicant from the EU partner universities can apply to the Western Balkans partner universities only.
  5. Make sure that you fulfill language and other requirements of the potential hosting university
  6. Collect the required documents, write motivation statement
  7. Make sure the documents are in English (or are translated into English) and the motivation statement is well-written
  8. Create an account
  9. Fill out the application form (you don’t need to fill it out and submit at one time)
  10. Upload the required documents
  11. Submit the application
  12. Make sure that you have received a confirmation by e-mail

If you have any specific questions how to apply, contact SIGMA Team:sigma@uw.edu.pl

For questions on a specific university please contact relevant contact person.

For more information please visit the official website.

Deadline: 1 February, 2012
Open to: Students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina,  Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia) or EU (check in details here)
Scholarship: Travel costs, insurance, tuition fee, fixed monthly scholarship to cover living expenses