Home [treninzi] LETNJA ŠKOLA EKONOMIJE 2011



July 18th – July 22nd 2011
The Institute of Economic Sciences is organizing the 14th annual Summer School of Economics. It was started in 1998, triggered by the need to provide education about emerging market economy and contemporary economic trends that were excluded from the formal system of education at the time.


Since the Summer School gathers students from the entire region of the Western Balkans, it not only offers students the opportunity to learn from distinguished lecturers, both from Serbia and abroad, but also the chance to meet their peers from the region, and establish friendships and networks that will be important in their future careers.

The focus of the previous Summer Schools was on economic policy, and its related fields, such as social policy, education and labor market policies, issues of poverty and inequality, etc. Students had the opportunity to attend lectures from leading experts in the field of economic and social policy. A further topic was institutional development in the context of economic development. Issues of poverty, inequality and living standard development in some of the European countries were presented in the context of long run economic perspectives. In addition, certain recommendations and experiences were highlighted for the developing countries and for Serbia as well. The proper place of financial capital in the modern economic system, a topic of special interest today, and the one which brought forward the loudest calls for state regulation and intervention, were also presented. In connection with this, different views could be found regarding to the concrete steps that should be taken to solve the consequences of the economic crisis.

The topics that were taught at the last year’s Summers School included economic growth, theory of measuring global inequality, historical and comparative overview of economic systems of the EU and Latin America’s countries, ineffectiveness of the EU fiscal policy during the crises, activities of international organizations in Serbia etc. Universities and institutions the lecturers of the 13th Summer School came from included University of Maryland (U.S.A.), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), University of Coventry (U.K.), Universidad Carlos III (Spain), University of Belgrade (Serbia), World Bank, International Monetary Fund, USAID, National Bank of Serbia, Ministry of economy and regional development, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Securities’ Commission, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany), F.A. von Hayek Institute (Austria).

The students of economics, law and social sciences from the region will have a possibility to share their critical views with the lecturers from both academia and practice. The students will have the opportunity to attend the lectures given by the professors from the prestigious world and local universities. Furthermore, students will have an excellent opportunity to find out more about how economic policy making looks like “from the inside”, as they will attend lectures of top-level policymakers in Serbia. Students will also have opportunity to meet representatives of the diplomatic core and international organizations in Serbia, who usually teach the Summer School participants lessons on the democratization of the society and on the role of international organizations in Serbia and the region.

The program of the 14th Summer School and the list of lecturers will be published in due course.


Thirty (30) applicants will be accepted to the Summer School. Education in social sciences and humanities is preferred (especially in economics and related disciplines, such as law, political science, sociology, organizational science and the like).

Applicants from the following countries may apply: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia.

The list of other requirements is set out below:

  • Under 30 years of age
  • Application form (Download: application_form_summer_school2011.doc)
  • Motivation letter (up to 300 words describing why you would like to take part in the school, what you expect to gain from it and how you think you will contribute to its overall organization while participating in it and in future)
  • Short Resume or CV
  • Two recommendation letters (from professors or superiors, must include their contact details)
  • High average mark during (if still a student) or at the end of studies (if the applicant has already graduated)
  • Good knowledge of the English language

You can register either (a) online, by sending the required materials to summerschool@ien.bg.ac.rsOva adresa el. pošte zaštićena je od spam napada, treba omogućiti JavaSkript da biste je videli or (b) at the Institute of Economic Sciences’ premises, at Zmaj Jovina 12, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia (you can either send the required documentation by mail or bring it yourself).

Deadline for sending applications is June 10th, 2011.


The Selection Committee will be in charge of announcing the final list of participants no later than the 25th of June. The factors most affecting the outcome will be the motivation letter, the recommendation letters and an interview (for those outside of Belgrade, a phone interview will be conducted). Those who have been chosen will need to confirm their participation by the 1st of July.


The participants who are not from Belgrade will be accommodated at the hostel in downtown Belgrade. All meals are included.

All participants will be provided lunch and refreshments during the lectures.


Tel. 00 381 11 2623 578
Fax 00 381 11 2181 471
E-mail: summerschool@ien.bg.ac.rs