Home [treninzi] British Council – Researcher Exchange Programme

British Council – Researcher Exchange Programme


 Researcher Exchange Programme is an initiative aimed at supporting new links between postdoctoral researchers in the UK and in other countries. RXP provides individual researchers with awards covering travel and subsistence costs, and some consumables costs, needed to develop new scientific collaborations and contacts. The purpose of RXP is to help develop new research links between higher education institutions and research laboratories in the UK and other countries. It aims to encourage mobility and internationalism among postdoctoral researchers for the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge, and for long-term relationship building.

The research link can be in any area of research, including science, engineering, technology, social sciences and humanities.

The duration of the exchange visit will be between two weeks and three months, and may be for single or multiple visits between December 2008 and December 2009. The maximum award .htm that can be applied for is £5,000.

If you are a researcher in areas related to evolutionary theory and Darwin’s legacy you can apply for a special RXP award.

The deadline for applications is 2 July 2008

How to apply, application form , CV template , conditions and other details please find on this page.