Home [akcija] NY Countdown 2013 in Maribor Slovenia – Entry into European Capital of...

NY Countdown 2013 in Maribor Slovenia – Entry into European Capital of Youth 2013


We are glad that we can announce and invite you and your participants to our special and traditional 4-days event NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN 2013, with
subtitle: Young people pushing borders – entry into European Youth Capital 2013 in Maribor, Slovenia.
Like last year and years before we expect more than 300 participants from all over the world from more than 15 different countries.

We can promise you unforgettable positive energy from our organisation team, program which includes sport activities, art&culture and of course

Please check our web page where can you/them apply: www.eyc2013.si

Invite your friends through FB event here:

And you can also invite them to “like” our FB page:

Hope to see you in our beautiful country Slovenia and cultural city Maribor (European Capital of Culture 2012, European Youth Capital 2013).