Home [konkursi] Festival of Documentaries and Social Cinema “The Image of the South”

Festival of Documentaries and Social Cinema “The Image of the South”


spanijaThe centre of Cooperation Initiatives– Batá, Spanish NGO for international cooperation, education and communication for development, invites video and film makers of documentary and social cinema to participate in the selection of work that will be shown in the V non-competitive festival of documentaries “The image of the South”,

and whose head office is in Cordoba, Spain. The event contemplates replicas in other festivals and associated screenings in Spain, Portugal and Italy, in collaboration with the NGO´s OIKOS – Cooperaçao e Desenvolvimento (Portugal), COSPE y GVC (Italy).

The GENERAL THEME of the 2007 film-festival will be: “EVERYONE´S EARTH.THE REVOLUTION OF HOPE”

The 2007 festival, is of a non-competitive nature and is structured as a cinema-forum with the participation of the film-makers and with the following objectives:
• To give value to the production of films and documentaries with a social content made mainly by independent film-makers, focused on the promotion of justice, equality and social inclusion, the defence of human rights and against discrimination in all its manifestations, to the free exercise of active citizenship, organization and political participation, the right to free expression, the defence of the environment and forms of sustainable development.
• Create a space for debate and dialogue about the social, political, economic and cultural reality of underdeveloped countries as well as developed ones, give the European public a more direct and non-mediated access to communication/information about historic movements and processes that form in civil society, outside the margin of hegemonic thought.
• To create an audiovisual documentary fund for public consultation, that serves as a base for sensitization and education activities for the development of social collectives from Europe.
• Strengthen the network of independent film-makers known as THE CORDOBA GROUP, allowing a meeting point for those who make their living as social documentary film-makers.

This year the festival will be divided into three sections:
Section 1- Documentaries and social cinema
Section 2- Fiction
Section 3- Children and Youth Section

Presentation of material:
The envelope sent should contain:
• Copy in DVD (NTSC or PAL) or mini-DV, Super VHS or Beta cam, PAL system.
• Technical credits to identify the work (Attachment 1).
• Specific authorization to screen in the festival and associated festivals in Portugal, Spain, Italy, with a maximum of 30 public screenings of a non-profit nature. Accompany with a copy of ID.
• Certificate of the holder of copyright along with a photocopy of the document of register.
• Full Script with directions for subtitle/dubbing insertions for work in a language other than English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese.
• Specific authorization for screening and distribution of a non-profit nature, the use of copies of the filmed material in educational development projects and public awareness raising as to the causes and effects of the inequality between the developed and undeveloped world, organised by CIC-Batá or affiliate European NGOs with whom CIC-Batá participate. No transfer of reproduction rights will be given to third parties nor will the sale of copies to raise funds be authorized. The definition of the projects and the amount to be paid will be agreed upon in a signed contract between CIC-Batá and the film-maker.
• Promotional shots of the film, in digital form ( 3 ½ disc or CD-Rom), 2 posters (if possible), a list of the film-makers previous work and the awards received (festivals, either competitive or not, and other events in which the work has been selected, presented or awarded).

The candidate documentaries and films for selection should be sent by post or parcel delivery, in a sealed envelope, by the 15 of June 2007 (the postage and parcel dates will be respected), to the following address:
Head Office (Spain)
Att: Carlos Guimaraes (coordinator)
Att: Manuela Hidalgo (técnica)
Centro de Iniciativas para la Cooperación – Batá
Pasaje Escritor Narbona, s/n
14011 – Córdoba (Spain)
Telephone: 957 43 21 71/61
E-mail: info@laimagendelsur.org

Material that should be sent by the film-maker in case of being selected:
The selected film-makers must agree to send to the festival’s head office by the 11 of August 2007, an original copy in BETA CAM or MINI-DV for screening, with the cost of postage paid by the organization of the festival. The original copy, in the case of BETA CAM, will be returned to the film-maker once it has been screened.

See attachment for more information.

 – attach_pozivi_konkursi_2798_1.pdf (169.25 KB)